🏳️‍🌈Out in the open🏳️‍🌈

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Authors Note: TW - Slight mentions of homophobia (possibly)


No one's POV

Liam was waiting outside the changing rooms for Henry. He kept looking at his phone, seeing if he would get a text from him. A couple guys walked out of the change room, playfully elbowing each other while talking. Liam just decided to ignore it

Shortly after those guys walked out, Henry did. And boy, did he look upset

"Henry, are you okay...?" Liam asked

"I'm fine...." Henry said quietly "can we please just go.....?"

Liam nodded. He knew something was wrong...

Liam and Henry were taking Liam's bus home together since Henry was going to Liam's. The two of them got to the bus, and picked a seat in the far back

"...Henry....?" Liam said

Henry pulled his knees up to his chest

"Hun, what's wrong....?"

Henry looked up at Liam after hearing that question, his eyes filling with tears

"...s-some guys in the change room saw me looking at old photos of us together after class...nothing too...giving away ish...just us at the skatepark and stuff, but...they started getting all up in my face, saying things like "ooh, is he your boyfrieeend?" a-and "you dating him or something?" ....."

Liam's eyes went wide

"....are these the same guys that when Jake started dating Hailey, were always going up to him asking similar questions?" he asked

Henry nodded. "I-I think so..."

Liam went silent

"I-I didn't tell them anything..." Henry said "too scared to say anything....I just stayed quiet and left...but the whole way out, they were laughing and stuff..."

Liam immediately got a look of anger on his face as Henry burried his head in his arms. After a few seconds, Liam pulled Henry into a hug, making him look up

"Listen, Henry." he said "these guys who bugged Jake, and are now bugging you...I will deal with them. Jake was really chill about this whole thing when it happened to him. But I'm not Jake. I'm not gonna be that chill."

"P-Please don't do anything rash..." Henry said, leaning his head on Liam's shoulder

Liam hesitated before just nodding. He would've promised to that, but he couldn't make that promise


"Mom! We're home!"

Henry and Liam walked into the house, only to see Liam's mom in the kitchen on her computer

"Hey, kids" she said

"What are you working on?" Liam asked

"Paying taxes.." his mom sighed "and I've got a bad headache..."

"Oh.." Liam said

"Anyway, how was your day? Both of you." Liam's mom said as she looked up from her computer screen and lowered it slightly

"Boring.." Liam sighed

"Um...alright..." Henry said looking down

"Something going on with you two?" Liam's mom asked

"N-No! Nothing, it's fine..." Liam said "just...a couple kids pickin' on Henry..."

"Seriously? That's such a middle school thing...y'all are highschool seniors." Liam's mom groaned

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