😭They call you crybaby😭

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Authors Note:

TW⚠️: Mentions of bullying


No one's POV

It was currently a day at school that Henry had been dreading for a while. His gym class was doing partner presentations, which involved. And he absolutely hated talking in front of people. He always felt like he was being judged, which upset him greatly because of how insecure he was. To top it off, he hadn't been feeling too good about himself the last few days. So that would make it worse

"Who are you partnered with?" Liam asked Henry, as they were waiting for the first bell before class to ring

"Th-That...Luke kid..." Henry said, looking down

"Well, he's a nice guy, right?" Liam asked. Henry nodded a bit

"I'm sure it'll go okay.." Liam said. Just then the warning bell rang. Liam looked around to make sure no one was watching. Once he knew the coast was clear, he gave Henry a quick kiss on the cheek

"Good luck.." he smiled at him, as Henry stared at him red in the face

"K-Kay.." he said "Thank you.."

He couldn't help but smiled back


Before the presentations in class began, the teacher agreed to give everyone a few minutes to practice.As Henry and Luke were practicing, Luke noticed that Henry was slightly out of it

"Henry, are you okay..?" he asked after a bit

Henry looked up from doing some stretches

"Um...I guess...I'm just a bit nervous, is all.."

"Don't worry about a thing..!" Luke smiled "Everything will go fine..!"

Henry smiled a bit, but was still nervous. And Luke could tell

"I have an idea. How about we both do the exercises, but I do all the talking" Luke suggested "Would that help? It's not required that we both talk while presenting"

"Sure.." Henry smiled a bit "Thanks.."

"Don't mention it!" Luke smiled sweetly


The presentations were taking place, and it was Henry and Luke's turn. During every presentation, the two kids presenting would perform exercise while describing them, and the rest of the class would copy the movements

When Luke and Henry walked up in front of the rest of the class, Henry started to feel a sinking feeling in his stomach

Everyone was staring at him, and he hated it. He felt like they were all judging him. As Luke said the introduction to their presentation, Henry could hear a few kids whispering

"What on earth is he wearing?"

"He looks like a child."

"He looks so nervous.."

"Why is he standing like that?"

"I bet he's gonna cry.."

Henry could feel his face heating up from embarrassment. He could hear every word everyone was saying, and he began to feel sick with anxiety

"Alright! Ready, Henry?"

Henry snapped out of his trance and looked at Luke. A couple of other kids giggled quietly

"Uh, yeah! Yeah, totally!" he smiled

"Great!" Luke said

Both of them began their exercises. As they did, every few minutes, Henry would hear someone giggle or whisper something. But that aside, he felt pretty alright

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