The transformation

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It was nighttime, Dream and Nightmare where both asleep in their bases. For Nightmare it was unusual for him to sleep since he didn't really need it but today was a special day.

Once they both woke in the morning, they felt odd but didn't think much of it, they went to the bathroom to get ready when they saw the mirror... their reflection wasn't the same it was a human girl. For Nightmare his reflection showed a human girl with two big strawberry blonde pigtails with white and black bear accessories, while with Dream it was also a human girl, but with short black hair and freckles.

Both of them let out a terrified and shocked scream, which led to them realizing even their voices are different.

{Nightmare's pov}
"The fuck?! Why the hell am I human?!" I thought, I was literally only asleep for one night out of this whole year and this happens?! God damn it.

I then see my 'hair' things puff up, I decided to touch them, but when I did they suddenly become spikey- " this thing alive?-" I though to myself but was then interrupted when.

Killer:"Boss, you in there?. We heard screaming."


"Y-Yes! Leave me alone!."

Horror:"wait, who was that?!"

It then fucking hit voice sounds like the fucking anime girl! Damn it!

The other began to talk or yell at me, questioning who the girl who yelled at them was, while I was just questioning why I was like this. Eventually they broke down the door and saw me...looking like a human teenage girl. Immediately Dust sent some bones at me, he hates humans. I dodged them the best I could but one hit my arm.

"Agh! Damn it Dust! I'll make sure you pay for that!" I yelled at Dust in anger. Dust looked surprised that I knew his name since all he knew was that I was a random human. But little did he know he was so wrong.

Dust:"how do you?- nevermind! Die human!"

Dust yelled shooting some blasters at me, I tried to teleport but soon realized I couldn't. How great.(obviously sarcastic)
I somehow manage barely to dodge the gaster blaster which Dust wasn't so happy about. Soon the other shot some bones and knives/axe at me, I had to dodge but was really unsuccessful but still was alive. I have had enough at this point.


I yelled at the top of my lungs which I now apparently had, the others stared at me not really believing I was Nightmare which I was but you know, I looked and sounded nothing like how I usually do.

Cross:"..umm- your not Nightmare, your a human-"

"No Cross you idoit. I'm Nightmare, and I don't fucking know how I got like this but I'm gonna punish you all for attacking me."

I replied in a sharp tone. Killer decide to speak

Killer:"you talk kinda like boss but you don't look nor sound like him."

"I talk like him cause I am him idoits. I don't know how I got like this but I did somehow."

Horror:"hmm, if your really our Boss then prove it."

Was he serious. I mean it made sense to see of I was really Nightmare but still I was annoyed.
"Alright then. Dust you killed everyone in your au multiple times, gave great negativity. Horror you starved for years in your au and hate Undyne or 'undick' as you call her, which btw pathetic insult nickname. Cross you started a war with that Chara of yours. And Killer your emotionless and I only use you for negativity. Your all are basically my servants and I wouldn't care less if you all died right now infront of me."

I said they all seemed to believe me more but had some doubt, but still I had proved my point. They all stayed silent, after a few minutes I broke the silence and said, "Look. I don't know how the heck I turned into...whatever this is, but I'm gonna go heal myself and when I'm healed where going to Sci. I'm not staying like this." I then left and got some healing junk, I clearly didn't have magic anymore so I had to heal myself the 'human' way.

{Dream's pov}
I yelled out, what on earth was going on?! I'm suddenly human! I was panicking I looked at myself over and over again, trying to process what was happening, but soon my thoughts where interrupted when I heard a knock on the door.

Blue:"Dream! you ok in there??"

It was Blue, how on multiverse am I supposed to explain that I'm now a human?! My thoughts continued to wonder but then-


The door was broke open by Blue- of course, Ink was behind him aswell

Blue:"Dream! Are you-....what the-"

They both stared at me or how I was now. Inks eyes lit up with excitement while Blue was just confused.

Blue:"umm- dear human what are you doing here?"

Blue asked highly confused, I sighed "You guys its me Dream, I can explain this-" I said, and Inks eyes went from excitement to still excited though confused and Blue was surprised.

Blue:"Dream?! But how-your a female human!-"

I sighed again, "Yeah I can see that..I don't know how I got like this but I just woke up like this, can you guys help"

Ink:"Sure! Though how?--"

Blue:"um I guess we can help, maybe we should go to Sci, ok Dream, Dream?-"

Blue said but I didn't listen as I was just distracted by looking at my hands."is this stuff 'skin'?- why is over my bones? I know humans have it but why do they have it? Does it hurt like when you get stabbed or does it protect your bones so you don't feel pain?"
My thought where going by like a toy train as a questioned these human parts, whenever I saw a human I never questioned but now being one I did.

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