A crime and a sigh

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{Nightmare's pov}

I don't know why but something inside me wants to kill this puppy. But just a moment ago I thought it was cute..."what the heck going on?."
I thought the puppy started to bark it was addimitely adorable. I hated it but my hair continued to be that cutesy two pigtails. But strangely the feeling of wanting to kill it grew. I try not to as I was confused but soon the puppy started to wag its tail and come near me clearly wanting to play...

I snapped.

I grabs the puppy by its neck and started choking it, it suddenly looked scared.
"Aww! You scared that cute!. Cause you should be." I said, it just came out I didn't know what the hell I just said. But I didn't care at this moment. I finally let go of the puppy it panted for air and whimpered in fear..."how adorable! Wait! What the hell am I thinking?!"

*TW some blood and junk here*
I was confused what's going on with me?! I looked at the frightened puppy and suddenly knew what I wanted to do, I went to the kitchen and grab a knife. I went over to the puppy and stabbed it repeatedly, after fifteen minutes, the puppy was dead in a pile of its blood, I stared at it and then laughed! It was funny, I had just found a cute puppy and murdered it! Apart of me was laughing so hard but another was confused, I was conflicted on how to feel but I laughed anyways.
*it's over now*

After I was done laughing I picked the cute puppy and threw it outside, I saw all the blood it left behind, I really didn't wanna clean it up, but I didn't want to let my teammate know I just killed a puppy while they where gone, I don't know why but I wanna keep it a secret but who would be dumb enough to clean this up?...

Suddenly while thinking I got the perfect idea "I know!" I Said I rushed out of the house and got the first person I could find nearby, "meh gonna get killed anyways so might aswell get some use out of them" I thought my hair became messy, perfect. I ran up to the person and began to cry

"Mister help me! T-The bad guys tortured me! Get me out!"

I cried of course I wasn't true. I was the leader of the bad guys. But hey a new form can have its perks and that no one knows who you really are.

The monster:"oh my! Umm...I'll send you to the star sanses right now...I should probably also leave this place I didn't know the bad guys castel was here.."

He said, apart of me was disappointed he woudl leave so know he might not be killed. But Still while crying I thanked him, he opened a portal and I jumped in, as soon as the portal closed my hair became normal again and I stopped the crying. "Dumbass." I said to myself then went to the stars base, I knocked on the stars base.

{Dreams pov}
I was reading thr book when I suddenly hear a knock on the door, "oh Blue and Ink must be back!" I though feeling happy, but when i opened the door that soon faded away...
it was Nightmare?! Why was he here?! HOW DID HE EVEN GET HERE?!

"Nightmare?! W-What are you doing here?!"
I asked frantically

Nightmare:"I'm here to ask a favor. Come. I'll explain back at my base."

"What but!-"

Before I knew it Nightmare grabbed me and dragged my out the house and ran untill he found a monster,

Nightmare:"hi! Would you mind opening a portal to ##### please? Me and my sister have to visit someone,"

He said I was confused as heck, but the monster agreed and took us there, after the portal closed Nightmare took me back to his base.
Everything happened so fast I could barley comprehend it all.
"N-Nighmare what is the meaning of this?-"

Nightmare:"I killed a puppy and I don't wanna clean up the blood so your gonna do it"


"Are you serious?! That's crazy! You clean it! It's your murder! Why would you even murder a puppy?!"
I said practically yelling at my brother he rolled his eyes.

Nightmare:"I didn't bring you here for no reason you clean it up."

No way I would!

*Ten minutes later*

And I'm cleaning this up...ugh. why must blood stains barely wash away?..why am I even doing this? Apart of me...want to.

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