Day 2 begins

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{Nightmare's pov}

I woke up on my bed snuggled in..."odd. This never happened before." I thought. It soon hit me that since I'm human and I get tired. So I was just tired before my nap. I didn't know what time it was but honestly didn't care, just wanna wake up in my normal body.

I quickly went to the bathroom a cleaned myself up a bit, I then leave my room and saw the others.

Cross:wow your finally up-

Nightmare:what do you mean?.

Horror:you where asleep the entire night and still woke up late-

ightmare:..ugh. well whatever atleast that means this second day will go by faster.

I said then felt hungry so I went into the kitchen, I never really ate and most of the food was gone anyways cause of Horror but I got some fruits that where left, and just ate that. It tasted very weird but I still ate them. Once I was done I saw the others leaving for a mission, I mean thru still had to do it but I guess I'll just stay here in the base. "Atleast no else has to see me like this."
I thought.

And then outside the window I saw a puppy. Gross. Why is it even outsid?- wait why am I outside now?-infront of the puppy?-...."DID I FUCKING WALK HERE?!" I said loudly the puppy looked at me, I glared at the pathetic small dog. It staring at me, and then suddenly my hair changes again into a wavy, Shiney and cutesy look and that's when it hit me...."fuck."

One minute later and I got a puppy next to me on the couch..."this was a bad idea-" I thought as the puppy looked at me, it looked happy but apart of me wants to just...kill it.

{Dreams pov}

I woke up and yawned still kinda tired, but I got up and quickly went to the bathroom to clean up. I went to the others to see nothing, I found a note on the table...And they left me alone, make sense though Blue has his au and Ink has a job so understandable they leave me alone, and they'll came back anyway.

I went back to my room and sat down on my bed, I grabbed a book and started reading. After like 30 minutes I felt something in my boot, I take it off and try to get it out thinking it's probably a pebble but to my shock it' DAGGER?! WHAT THE HELL?!

I was shock at the sight then wanted to see if there where any weapons in my other boot, I take it off and instead of finding daggers and knives I find....EXPLOSIVES! WHY?!

I was way to shock, why would the human have this and how did I walk so long without noticing them?! This doesn't make any sense!

After many minutes of processing what just happened, I grabbed a journal and pencil and started to write what had happened down, "maybe I can understand this girl better if I write it down." I thought

After writing it down I realized...this doesn't help at all, so I tried to forget it ever happened and continue to read my book

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