Torture and knife expert

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Warning: Torture

{Nightmare's pov}

I giggled, my captive looked scared, though that turned into confusion as I went tobthe kitchen and grabbed some ingredients and started to cook something. A stew. They tried to ask me what I was doing but I simply ignored them and continued cooking...
You know I never noticed that about torture. The more you use normal everyday things the more truamatic it is.

I started to hum as I cooked after a few more minutes it was done, and I quickly put it in a bowl and grabbed and spoon and headed to them.

"It's ready!"

They seemed scared but then it turned to pure terror as I grabbed the spoon and got some of the hit, steaming stew and was putting it closer to their eye. Let's just say after that they only had one eye left. This continued with me pouring the hit stew in places it was fun.

When I was done they had just died. Aw. My fun had ended and the others still weren't back.

What to do?~

{Dream's pov}
Just a dream...just a..dream..

I kept repeating those words in my mind over and over again but it was alot to take in what I had just dreamed..why did I dream that..? Iook over at the clock to see the time to see a an hour had passed. I got up and went to the kitchen hoping to ask Blue and Ink about this, they where arguing about one of Inks drawings.

I didn't feel the energy to explain to them my dream anymore. I went and got some fruit and just stared at them arguing, soon I had enough. And within a second I snapped.

Blue:"For the last time quit trying to color first it doesn't really work when you do it!- no offense!"

Ink:"I take all offens!- !-"

Suddenly I threw a knife at them barley missing them, they looked at me in shock, I was to tired today. I had to clean up and entire dusttale au. Had a fucked up dream and now this?. Oh hell no.

"Shut up. Now. I don't wanna deal with you two arguing."

I said coldly and firmly. I don't know what came over me I really don't to be honest..

Dreamtale twins turn into the despair sistersWhere stories live. Discover now