Going to Sci

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{Nightmare's pov}
I was healing myself with some bandages. Once I was done I got back up and went to the idoits. "Alright we can go now." I said, I felt pretty weak but still was able to move my body or whatever it was now.

Horror:"umm, ok, so we going to sci?-"

"No duh, of course we are! I'm not staying like this and you guys are comming with me." I said.

Cross:"um ok, but why do we have to come?"

I sighed, "because I don't have magic right now, so I need you idoits to summon a portal."

Cross:"Ooh, ok then, I guess-"

They opened a portal to Sci and we where about to go outside but-


...A gaster blaster shot at me barley missing. I turned around to see Dust.

Killer:"...really Dust."

Dust:"..it's a human."

Killer:"it could also be boss you know."

Dust:"I don't care!"

I gave dust a death glare but really couldn't do much, I don't have any magic, but when I get back to normal I'm gonna fucking kill Dust.

I went inside the portal and knocked on the door but then I see another human girl, with black short hair, freckles, had a somewhat school girls uniform.

{Dream's pov}
While I was questioning everything about my new human body, Blue grabbed my hand and we got into a portal to Sci house, along with Ink. We got their but we see the bad guys along with another human?- but why didn't they Kill her? Actually when they see me regardless of which body I'm in right now they'll still probably try to kill me. They soon saw us and some bones got shot at me, I may or may not have used Blue as sheild- sorry Blue-

After many gaster blaster, bones and doging later, Sci opened to the door to all of this

Sci:"...what the heck?-"

Thats when the bad guys finally stopped and stared at Sci, and we did to.

The human Girl:"Finally, Sci it's me, Nightmare fix this now."

"Wait, Nightmare!? He got turned into a human to?!" I thought, "Nightmare! It's me Dream! What the heck happened to us?!"

Nightmare:"! What the- I don't know but Sci your fixing this!"

Sci:"I- wha- how dod this even happened?-"

Me and Nightmare:"I DONT KNOW!"

Sci:"I-ok- umm- just come inside and I'll try some test ok?-"

Me and Nightmare agreed it was kinda odd seeing him like, he seemed kinda cute now.

After some test by Sci, he came to us

Sci:"umm, yeah I don't know how this happened nor how to fix this, you might wanna go to Core Frisk-"

Nightmare:"Ugh! Great just fucking Great."

Nightmare said clearly sarcastic, I just stayed silent.
Welp now we have to go to Core Frisk, this day hasn't even lasted an hour and I already wnat it to be over.

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