The rest of day 1

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After the trip to Core Frisk, my team and the Stars just went back to our own base, I just stayed and soon I felt very angry so I ended up punchijg the wall.
"Ugh! I can't believe this! I'm stuck in the weaklings body!" I thought and then suddenly felt pain in my hand, "Agh!" I screamed, it wasn't a loud one but jeez that hurted! How do humans even fight?! Their bodies are so weak!.

After some minutes of calming down and holding my hand cause for some reason the pain didn't completely go away. "Ugh...well could be worse I guess..I only have to be like this for a week. Still wish I didn't get turned into this in the first place!." I thought and just like that my hair went crazy or something since it became both puffed up and spikey-
" the fuck?!"
I said, is it just normal for humans to have their hair react to what their feeling?! Whatever. Let's see if I can fix this.

I then got up and looked around hoping to find something anything to fix this messed up hair, soon after nearly 30 minutes of looking I found a hairbrush, it was dirty. I can't imagine why..
I took it to the bathroom and quickly cleaned it, then it hit me. "...I have no idea how to do this." I thought, I never had hair so I don't know what to do! Then again I'm pretty sure you just brush it, so does it really matter if I do this the right way?.
After a few seconds I finally thought "meh I'm just over thinking this what's the worse that can happen?."

{15 minutes later}

My hair was so much worse now-

"....yeah this is worse."

I said to myself. I somehow managed to mess up brushing my hair very badly.
I yelled loudly, maybe they could atleast...make this not be as terrible but I have very little hope for them.

Soon the others came into the room and Dust being restrainted from attacking again.

Cross:"what do you want?--....uhhh- your um hair- is uh-"

Killer:"it looks terrible."

...they do know when I turn back I can easily kill them all right?. Whatever.
"Yeah I know, and I need you idoits to fix it now."

I walked over to them and handed them the hairbrush

Cross:"uh why us?"

"Cause when I tried it turned out like shit so just fix it."

The other where just confused but did eventually agree well expect Dust he just stood there but I didn't care, I just wanted this hair under control and not looking as terrible.

After many minutes and painfull brushing, the idoits somehow kinda fixed, it still looked bad but not terrible.
"Huh, co grats you guys aren't total failures at something." I said.

Horror:"Hey! We did good considering we never done this before-"

"You also did it very rough and painful."

Cross:"well humans do say beauty is pain-"

"Yeah but this ain't beauty this is mediocre at best."

I said then just left and went back to my room hoping I wouldn't have to brush thsi hair again. And then I realized it was nighttime, I think I'm not really sure, but I just suddenly felt prettu tired though my mind wasn't sleepy my body was. After 2 blinks I fell asleep on my bed.

{Dreams pov}

Me and the other 2 went back to the base I had completely processed the fact that I'm now stuck in someone's body and a human one at that, it's kinda off putting to be honest, I'm not use to this at all, and is this better than what was supposed to happened I mean if it was just and error in the reincarnation process than without that error I would act completely like this girl, I don't know how she would be but judging by how umm soilder liking looks I'm assuming she definitely doesn't act like me, then again Blue also looks like a soilder and is one of the sweetest people I know so I could just be over thinking this.
I thought about everything for about 15 minutes untill-


Ink slapped me-
I did snap back into reality but still! That hurted! "Ow! Ugh!.." I said

Blue:"Ink! Why you slap Dream?!"

Ink:"He zoned out so I slapped him back into reality-"

Blue:"I mean-it worked but still you could have done that without hurting him!"

Ink:"it was just a slap! And besides it worked!"

"It still hurted-"

I said rubbing my cheek and that's that's I realized despite the fact my cheek was hurting it was soft-
And then I started to zone out again.
"Why is skin soft? Is it supposed to be? Or those this just happen with this girls body?"

After some more minutes Ink slapped me again-

"! Ow! Really! Again?!"

Ink nodded

"You could have just pinched me or something, it'd probably be less painfull"

I mumbled btu Ink heard me and pinched me

"! Ow! Not now!"

Ink:"But you told me to"

"Yeah if I end up zoning out again!"

Ink:"ooooh! Well ok then"

I rubbed my cheek again, great now it hurted even more. Blue quickly came up to me well he also bonkef Ink on the head but whatever,

Blue:"un Dream how about we get you some ice maybe it'll help"

I nodded and we went to the kitchen and got some ice, put it in a small bag and I held up up my cheek it did slow down the pain but also was freezing cold to touch. "Why are humans so sensitive? Hmm maybe it'll be more durable after a few days" I thought to myself,

Blue:"Hey, um Dream how you gonna handle this?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" I said confused.

Blue:"I mean your a female human, how you are you gonna handle that for a week?"

Blue asked with a concern tone, atleast he did truly care it made me feel better knowing he cared.

"I-I have no idea honestly I'm not use to this, but un thanks for asking anyways"

Blue:"ok, um if you need anything anything call"

I nodded and Blue left, I just stayed in the kitchen, after some minutes my cheek felt back to normal though cold and I threw the ice away, and just stayed in the kitchen, just thinking.
I suddenly felt something below where I think a stomach is rumble guess I'm hungry, I quickly just grabbed some fruit and bit it, it tasted...weird.. guess I shouldn't bebsurprised I mean this is food for monsters not really humans. I somehow finished it and finally left the kitchen and headed to my room, the moment I layer on my bed I felt my eyes getting hazy and soon I fell alseep.

Dreamtale twins turn into the despair sistersWhere stories live. Discover now