Life goes on I guess..

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{Nightmare's pov}
I walked away from MY castle and managed to get someone to portal me out of there. I continued to walk...and walk. It seemed never ending. But then I saw an injured hyena? I decided to go to it...I'll heal it up soon. I grabbed it and carried it with me.

"I'm taking this.' I said to myself. I don't know why but I am.
After some more hours of walking it was morning. I felt so tired cause I didn't sleep at night. But I really couldn't sleep At all. I saw some monsters nearby and walked by them. I reached into their pockets and stole some wallet. Luckily they didn't notice but in it they had a few hundred dollars. Rich bastard.

I kept walking and getting people to help make portals for me untill I saw this strange apartment building, seemed like it'll be cheap.

I went inside and the guy was weird.

???:"What can I do for you?"

"...I need a place to say what can I get for 400 dollars?"
I asked holding the hyena on my back, the guy didn't really care. After some talking we came to a negotiation. I ended up getting a very small messy apartment...well atleast I wasn't homeless. I put the hyena on a bean bag chair and healed it up with a first aid kit in the apartment. It wasn't the best but it was something.

The hyena looked at me and I guess it was smiling. It went up to me and snuggled up to me.
"....I'll name you Ena"

{Dream's pov}

I woke up in my mess of a room and got up and went to Blue and Ink...their probably worried as fuck about me...I should have just told them ugh..

They were in the living room both looking worried when they saw me Blue immediately jumped and started asking a bazillion questions.

Blue:"how did you sleep? Are you ok?! Will you talk to us now?!"

Blue asked in a panic, I simply sighed and said "sorry...was having a rough few days...I'm ok now..just angry.." I explained to them.

Blue:"angry about what?"

" brother..he's been bothering me lately and it's getting...on my nerves ok.."

Blue and Inks eye sockets widened at the mention of Nightmare

Ink:"He bothers you?! Why didn't you tell us?!"

"....I didn't want you guys to worry"

Blue:"we are worried! Wether you tell us or not!"

...How was I supposed to answer that?!

"I'm sorry ok?!"

Blue and Ink fell silent..guess they didn't know what to say either.
I just walked away to the kitchen and ate pretending nothing just happened.

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