Day 3 begins

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{Nightmare's pov}
I woke up in my bed and rubbed my leg I had put bandages over it last night because of what dream did. When I get my hands on him I swear I gonna kill him!

I rubbed it and then got up and quickly got ready for the day, I saw the others and simply waved hello then went to the kitchen and ate...whatever was left, the whispered to eachother and then Cross come to me.
"What do you want Cross?"
I asked sounding confused though I genuinely couldn't careless.

Cross:"so uh how are we gonna continue the rest of the missions? We only got one and that's because you gave it to us in advance we don't save anymore left-"

He explained...oh fuck he's right-
"Umm...I don't know I can't feel negativity anymore sooo, it doesn't really matter just do what you guys want I don't care."
I said and continue to ate my stomach grumbled so much.
The others looked happy as they where basically free to do what they wanted and within a few seconds they left me. Again. How fun..

I quickly finished eating and felt the hunger leave me, then I pondered on what to do...what to do...! Well I could get revenge on Dream. That little bastard deserves it after stabbing my leg. I grinned and went to my room and started grabbing weapons. I mean might aswell kill while on the way right?

{Dreams pov}
I soon woke up and as I did yesterday got freshened up, I then went outside my room to see Blue and Ink where there this time! Yay!
I went to the kitchen and grabbed myself a breakfast, tasted weird but I think I'm getting use to monster food now- wonder how human food taste like-

Ink:"Hey Dream!"

"Hm? Oh, hey Ink good *yawn* morning"

Ink:"not a morning person anymore?"

"I don't know to be honest-"

Ink:"well call us if you need anything!"

Ink then left the kitchen probably to do his job atleast Blue is still here
I continued to eat untill I couldn't eat anymore from the weird taste.
I realized I had nothing to do, but then-


"! What the?!"
I said, I big rock was thrown outside the window breaking it and on it attached a note it said, "meet me in *insert au* Dream" uh...this seem suspicious. I probably shouldn't go.
Wait- why Am I outside the house?-...
"How use is Mukuro in taking orders?!"
I thought, this is the second time I blindly agreed to something!

I should probably stop this- but then I heard a familiar voice

"Glad you joined me brother."

...oh no.

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