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{Nightmare's pov}

Dream turned his head around and saw me grinning, he tried to ran away but I appeared again infront of him. He's not getting away that easily again.

Dream:"what do want from me Nightmare?."

"Oh nothing big. Just one small thing. Clean this place up."

Dream looked at me surprised

Dream:"are you kidding?! This place is a dusttale au! It'll take forever to clean up all the dust and messes! Plus whu do you even care?!"


"I don't but you stabbed me yesterday remember?. So clean this place up and I call it even."

Dream looked dumbfounded. I'll admit it's a big task but to me it seems fair for stabbing me.

Dream:"No. Nightmare I'm not gonna blind do as you say again. I'm not cleaning this place up."

Dream said clearly not wanting to do it, I was not happy about that I grabbed Dream and pinned him down. I then grabbed one of the knives I brought and took it near Dream neck, Dream looked starlted and kinda scared at this sudden move.

"Let me rephrase that. You clean this place up or I'll cut you up and kill ya myself."

I said putting the knife even closer to his neck, Dream processed this for a moment but after a few seconds finally agreed.  I took the knife away and got off him

"See? Now was that so hard?"

Dream just stared at me and mumbled some stuff, well he's not going to enjoy this but I am.

{Dreams pov}

I can't fucking believe he's making clean up this place! It'll take forever! I'll be lucky if I finish in the next few hours! Ugh!
"...well. might aswell start I guess."
I thought then started cleaning as Nightmare just watched grinning the whole time. Sometimes he made some stupid remarks but that was it. After an hour I was still cleaning I felt exhausted but still pushed myself to finish this so I can get home. But it was then Nightmare started to actually talk to me.

Nightmare:"You know Dream...I've been thinking. Maybe we can kill together?."

! WHAT?!


Nightmare:"yes. I wanna kill something! And your here aren't ya? Come on let's kill when your done!" he serious?. Why would I agree to that?!

"No way! Kill by yourself!"

I yelled at him, he's grinned turned into a frown as his pigtails went down as well

Nightmare:"fine. But my offer still stands. Just tell me when you want to kill.

He's crazy...I'd never want to kill I? Apart of me wants to follow Nightmare...NO! I can't think like that! That's bad! Just...ugh I'm just gonna continue cleaning and forget that conversation..

After a long time i finally finished I was tired but was haply i was finally done!
I was about to get Nightmare to let me leave he agreed and somehow got a portal...I have no idea how he got that-

Nightmare:"you sure you don't wanna go killing?!"

I was silent but shook my head no. He looked at me and sighed angrily.

Nightmare:"fine. I got my revenge anyways. So where even."

He said I then went through the portal and just tried to forget that ever happened but the thought kept running in circles of my brain...
Did I want to kill...?

Dreamtale twins turn into the despair sistersWhere stories live. Discover now