You cant do this!

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{Nightmare's pov}

I smiled and and to laugh I laughed and laughed hysterically for a solid five minutes. Apart of me was utterly destroyed by my notebook being totally gone but another was enjoying it.

Suddenly my door opened and the others saw me laughing. When I finally finished, I saw them all looking at me weirded out.

Killer:"Boss. The fuck happened?"

"I...don't's great though!"
I said chuckling at the end of my sentence. They all looked at me weirdly and then immediately close the door. O heard them Whispering. Heh. What are they gonna do with me? I'm still there boss afterall. They can't do anything.

Atleast...thats what I thought.

They came into my room again, and Horror and Dust Picked me up and carried me.

"! W-What are you morons doing?! Let me go!"
They ignored me, I looked at Cross who seemed to be a little guilty. Not helping!
They then literally threw me out of MY castle!
"What the hell?!"
I said a little venom tracing my words.

Cross:"sorry boss but you weirded us out and...your kinda not useful anymore like this"

Horror:"sorry? Come back when your back to normal ok?"

They said, Dust and Killer stayed silent.

....They can't do this! I'm their boss! I'm so gonna kill them after this! My thoughts were racing through my head as they closed the door I immediately got up and bang on the door violently it was locked shut.

I started to cry again but then smiled.
The morons won't get away with this.

{Dream's pov}

Blue sighed and me and him started to clean up the mess I had made.
I kept apologizing saying my anger got the best of me. Which it did. He stayed silent.

After we finished the day was almost over and Blue got me and Ink to have a talk.

"So what did you wanna talk about?"
I asked confusion all over my face.

Blue:"...Dream you've been acting really weird lately...anything new happened?"

Blue asked concern in his voice, I froze. I mean sure I was force to clean dead bodies and an entire dusttale au. But I'm fine!.....

Ink:"actually have been acting weird"

Ink nows not the time to agree! Traitor.

They started to ask for me to ell them them had happened. Its It's of their business. I was slowly getting angry I didn't want to tell them.



"Leave my room. We' about it later..."

I said Blue and Ink both were concerned but listened as they left my room, I immediately locked it and fell into my bed. I don't wanna deal with this right now.

Dreamtale twins turn into the despair sistersWhere stories live. Discover now