The last day.

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{Nightmare's pov}
Days went by the same for me. Wake up and watch this thing called TV and cartoons. The apartment came with it luckily.
I kept a calander on how many days where left till I would turn back to normal and could kill those traitors. On the last day I got someone to portal me to Core Frisk, I saw those traitors and my brother and his gang there to. Waiting. Wonder why those idiots decided to show up. They clearly shown they don't care about me.

Core Frisk came looking sadden.
What the fuck? Shouldn't this be great I I finally leave this humans body.

"Whats with the long face?"
I asked upfront

Core Frisk:"well there was a small error with the process and.. you guys will have to stay like this...forever"

My hair went up immediately and spiked
I yelled at her.

Core Frisk:"I know, I know but I tried my part. But it wasn't enough..I deeply am sorry."

Everyone was shock as they where processing the fact that me and Dream would stay like this...for the rest of our lives..

Dream:"...are you..fucking...KIDDING ME?!"

I was surprised by the sudden yell i turned around to see Blue and Ink holding Dream back as he was about to attack Core Frisk who was shock to say the least...Dream was gonna attack her?. Instresting.

Blue:"Dream! Calm down! Im sure she'll find a way to fix this!"

Core Frisk:"...Blue is right. I will try my hardest to figure out a way to turn you back to normal but for now your both stuck like this...forever."

I can't live like this! I just cant! I can barley even figure out this cursed body! Let alone continue living like this!

After many minutes. It was settled. The stars left with a mad yet crying Dream as I just started at my former team.

Cross:"Boss we-"

"Nightmare. Call me Nightmare now. I am not your boss anymore. So don't bother trying to contact me again."

The others where silent but I just left and went to my new home which was a mess but I just wanted to go to bed...

{Dream's pov}

Days passed since the visit from Core again..I was trying to get use to my new life but it's hard. Blue and Ink don't understand..I know they try to though but I don't know what to do with my life was I supposed to protect people's happiness if I can't even help myself...? Ugh...I hate being Mukuro..but...I still have Ink and Blue..they didn't abandon me...that good...right? Well anyways you've heard our story so it's time to sya goodbye.

The end

Dreamtale twins turn into the despair sistersWhere stories live. Discover now