The rest of day 2

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{Nightmare's pov}

I washed Dream grab the red blood stained sheets and carry it to the wash. I didn't feel like staying so I went to my room and just chilled on my bed. After like fifteen minutes Dream came to my room.

Dream:"thanks alot for bothering to clean up your own mess."
He said clearly sarcastic.

"Well I wasn't gonna do it."

Dream:"well why couldn't you gotten one of your teammates to do it?! Cause you sure went the extra mile to make sure I cleaned it up!."

I didn't know how to respond because he was right...I did go through more of a hassle getting him here to clean it up then just either doing it or getting one of the idoits to. I didn't really have to explain myself to them either so why?...why did I want Dream specifically to clean it up?.

"...I don't know. Just did."
I responded.
Dream looked even more annoyed and sigh, there was just silent untill...
"..pfft- bahahahahaha!"
I busted into fits of laughter, it clearly made Dream confused

Drean:"i- Nightmare..why are you laughing?."

"I don't know! That's why it's funny! Bahaha!"

My hair became pointy and wild as I laughed like a maniac, I really don't know why I'm laughing but the obscurity of me just dragging Dream here was funny I guess

{Dreams pov}

Nightmare was just was weird seeing my brother laugh, it made me both confused and weirded out. I just left him room and went back to the wash waiting for it to finish.

After like a little over an hour it finished and I moved it to the dryer waited another frickin hour for that to be done. I grabbed the newly cleaned sheets and put it back on the couch neatly. I then was about to leave but then.

Nightmare:"Aww going so soon?."

"! I-how did you?!-"

How the heck did he get here?! Wasn't he just in his room!

"...yes I am going. You wanted me to clean up that mess and I did,"

I said trying to leave again but Nightmare tripped me making me fall to the ground, he put his foot on my head getting my hair in my face.
geez. Did it hurted.

Nightmare:"did you really think I wouldn't let you go without some scarring?. Afterall I do despise you."

Nightmare said coldly.
If course he'd do this..he may look different but he's still my corrupted brother.
"Nightmare get off me!"
I yelled, Nightmare did a curious kid look

Nightmare:" this is more fun."

He smiled wickedly...he stepped harder geez it hurted. I look around to see if there was anything I could use to defend myself then I looked at my boot as saw the daggers...I took a quick breathe and reached into my boot, Nightmare looked at me weirdly but then smirked.

Nightmare:"wow desperate much?. Why even bother moving?."

I grabbed a dagger and looked up at Nightmare. "You won't get off me soooo."
I then use the dagger to stab Nightmares leg, it went through and Nightmare flinched and screamed in pain, he immediately took his foot of my head and I just made a run for it, it took awhile but I got someone to take me back to the base by now it was almost nighttime. No doubt Blue and Ink are back, I went inside to see Blue frantically searching for me, Ink also seemed to be searching but not as frantic but when they same me they where happy to see I was ok and Blue hugged me

Blue:"There you are! Where were you?! I was so worried!"

I appreciate they where worried but I couldn't tell them what had happened...there was just no way..
"I-I just went out for a walk didn't expect to be out for so long, sorry"
I said Blue sighed.

Blue:"it's ok but please don't do that again until you turn back to normal, your really vulnerable at this state"

Tell me about it. I almost got killed earlier.
I put on a soft smile and said I would then went and collapsed onto my bed.
"I'm too tired for this shit." I thought then quickly fell asleep.

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