Going to Core

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After talking with Sci me and brother finally left and the other where fighting, again outside, they stopped though after seeing us.

Ink:"soooo, what did Sci say?"

"We have to go to Core Frisk now, Sci can't do anything about...this-" I explained and my brother had a very sour expression and his pig tails went up high looking more wild...how the heck does that work?! it's hair!

Killer:"ugh. Great where going to Core Frisk now."

And like that we went to Core Frisk who was helping some monsters, and they where very surprised to see us

{Nightmare's pov}

Core Frisk:"! Oh hello you guys, what are you doing here? And what's with the two girls"

Dream:"eheh...actually its us, Dream and Nightmare we woke up like this and was hoping you'd know how to turn us back!"

Core Frisk:"! Are...you joking?"

Core Frisked asked I got annoyed, I don't really loose it this quickly but that changes quickly when you get turned into a human female! I yelled "NO WE ARE NOT JOKING FIX THIS!"

Core Frisk face turned from surprised to her normal one

Core Frisk:"yeah that's seems like Nightmare,how did this happen?"

Dream:"we don't know,  yesterday we where use and today where two human girls"

Dream explains I looked mad and my hair soon puffed up into sharp spikes

Core Frisk:"well ok then, I'll look into this right away! I can't have you two looking like this"

Core said and she started looking, trying to find a way, any way, to turn us back to normal. After a few minutes she comes back to us with a smile

Core Frisk:"good news! I have found the reason AND solution for this!"

The other where happy(?) About this manily the stars while my team just wanted me not a human anymore.

Blue:"really?! Thank you so much! What  is it?!"

Core Frisk:"well the reason is that there was an error in the reincarnation process, causing instead of their soul being into your bodies, you guys turned into their bodies, Nightmare is some girl Junko Enoshima, and Dream is her twi sister, Mukuro Ikusaba."

Core explained, everyone seems surprised or confused well expect Killer I guess but he can't really feel emotions.

Ink:"what but if their twins shouldn't they share the same last name?-"

Core Frisk:"yeah I don't get it either, they must've have change it or something,"

Cross:"um can I ask, what's reincarnation?-"

Damn it Cross. Your an idoit. Core Frisk was about to explain, but I quickly interrupted herz with my hair now being in one big ponytail and I had glasses, "reincarnation, is the system of someone soul or life when they die, the soul ends up inhabiting someone elses body typically as a rebirth, but in some cases it happens when the host is like a child, teenager or adult. Basically it's a new life, literally." I explained in one quick breathe, everyone looked at me and I quickly realized what I had just done, and throw the glasses on the ground. "The heck did I just do?!" I thought.

Core Frisk:"thats-thats correct-"

Horror:"how did you- nevermind- also what's with the hair?-"

Horror asked, "I don't fucking know! This thing does what it want at this point!" I said and I get hit woth my the hair as it turns back to he two pigtails-

Dream:"uhh- ok ignoring..that- how do we go back to normal?"

Core Frisk:"well I have to fix this error which shouldn't take long but the thing is, it will take a week for you guys to turn back to normal"

Me and Dream:"!- WHAT?!"

Core Frisk:"sorry that's the most I can do, you guys will have to be like for a week untill you get back to normal"

Cross:"you have to be able to do more than that!"

Core Frisk:"sorry but I can't, if I could I would"

....great. just. Great.
I'm stuck like this for a whole week.

Dreamtale twins turn into the despair sistersWhere stories live. Discover now