Prologue - Beginning

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Oliver Queen's POV (15yrs ago)

Dinah just had our beautiful baby girl. Now she's resting, we had named our baby Y/N and we are waiting for Dinah to get a bit more strength back before she holds our child. I was quietly talking to her, telling her how great she did. When all the sudden alarms started going off in the new born babies room (I don't know what this is called) and I rushed there with Dinah telling me to go. I ran down the halls past nurses who were also running there. And we all stopped when we were in the baby room. Some babies were missing. Including Y/N Queen. I saw a shadow run past quickly and I gave chase. But they were to far ahead that I couldn't catch up with them. They were holding the missing babies. They held them close and jumped off the roof of the hospital. I ran to where they jumped off, but they were gone. Taking my dear Y/N with them.
—————— Time skip (few hours)——————
Baby taker POV
The speed boat pulled up to the docks and out hopped Death Stroke. He handed one of my team mates a black duffel bag and they looked in it. "Share that between all of you. That is 1M each." Death Stoke said. We all smiled wickedly and handed over the 5 babies we took. He looked at them. "Well done you lot. They are all the perfect fit for assassins." He said looking back to us. We all nodded until he pulled out his gun. "Which is why you can no longer live." He said, and with out even being able to move he shot all of us.
————————Time skip (5yrs)————————
Sensei POV (btw this is in the time where Ra's Al Ghul is still alive.) (y/n now 5yrs old)

The 5 babies that some people stole for a million dollars each, dies the same day and we ended up still having 5M. But these babies are now 5 yrs old and I have been training them to become the greatest assassins since they could walk. And they have increased in skill exponentially. Damian is a year older but these children are almost at his level of training. Those that had names kept them and those that didn't have names got names. They were never told their last name. Never. There is no need. But we have: Y/N, Atlas, Sarah, Sniper and Dagger. They were all waiting in front of me to begin our training. And I walked out towards them. "Let's start." I said. We started with the slow hand movement as if we were holding a sword. But they weren't, for they need to grow a bit more to be able to hold the swords steady else there's no point. We did all these slow moves and then came the time to do some karate. Slow hand movement in front with one leg up in the air. The girls, Y/N, Atlas and Sarah were the most flexible and could get their leg above their head. The boys could almost get there but not quite. We did a bit more slow karate until the sun just started to rise and we meditated for 2 hours which was then breakfast. The rest of the day sort of blurred past. Since it's the same thing every day. Wake up, Training, Breakfast, Training, Lunch, Training, Dinner, Training, Sleep. Over and over again. But they do spice it up sometimes with a mission and one of the kids I train goes on it. But not me. I'm used to it though. I do like it though when the heroes infiltrate infinity island. It gives me some action. Also allows my students to have some experience. I wonder if the heroes will show up again soon. I pondered this as I drifted off to sleep.

655 words

A/N: hey guys! Yes I am writing 2 books at once. Don't mind me. But I thought this would be a good idea for a book so here we are. My other Damian x reader 'Sunset' only has a few more chapters in it until it is completed. And no this book is not the sequel to Sunset. This is different. Anyways..... BYE!!

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