Chapter 13 - Forever Mine

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"tell damian next time i see him, im gonna kill him."
y/n POV

the dark midnight sky twinkled with stars. the full moon lighted our way through the calm sea and rocky terrain as we got closer to santa prisca.

deathstroke stopped the speed boat as we came to shore and i helped him pull it up the shore, out of the sea. the soft crunch of broken rocks and seashells on the shore were the only thing that gave sound as i followed deathstroke into santa prisca. i swear there has to be some assassins that have telepathy or something. or maybe it was just chance that we were at the docks on the same night.

i silently followed deathstroke up the smooth rock path into the heart of santa prisca. i silently laughed as i scanned my surroundings. i could see every assassin that was supposed to be 'on watch'. their supposed be the stealthiest so if an intruder comes in, they don't know they're being watched. imbeciles, honestly, the whole lot of 'em.

i continued to follow deathstroke into a wooden shelter that was only for the leaders to enter. i stopped outside, since i wasn't a leader.

"you coming in or what." deathstroke said monotoned.

i carefully followed after him, staying silent and hidden in the shadows as best i could in the lit up room. i saw lady sheiva and sensei there, waiting.

deathstroke nodded to them both swiftly, and started talking about business. i stayed silent as them passed back and forth comments and argued a bit.

"she shouldn't be in this room as we speak of this." a cold voice cut off the others, as a skinny finger pointed at me. "she could be a spy for the heroes." the tall powerful woman said sharply.

i heard sensei hum. i wasn't sure if he was humming in agreement or thought.

deathstroke shook his head. "no. she's with us. she wont go back."

lady sheiva stayed silent but narrowed her eyes at me. i continued to stay silent, blended back into the background as they continued on talking, i zoned out so i didn't hear anything they said.

sensei left first, saying he had important things to do with the young recruits in a couple hours, making it dawn. lady sheiva managed to say she also had important things to attend to. i had to stifle a snort at that. deathstroke left last as i watched him roll up a rather large piece of paper, of which i saw had some blueprints of a building that seemed rather important. no wonder sheiva was skeptical about me being here, listening to them chat away.

deathstroke vacated the meeting room with me close behind. he showed me to my old quarters, told me to rest for an hour max cause he wanted to see if the heroes had taken away my training and abilities.

i had a quick shower and ran to lay down. i had been standing for hours, just listening to them talk. my eyelids were heavy but my brain kept busy, each thought rolling and tumbling over the next.

i stared at the ceiling for what seemed like hours until i finally drifted off in an uneasy sleep.

i woke up with a jolt. my neck and arm hair's lifting in warning. something was coming. i quickly got up and changed into my new assassin uniform that deathstroke gave me and grabbed my sword. i smiled. i hasn't used a sword in a while, i didn't realise how much i had missed the feeling of holding one in my hand.

i finished lacing up my combat boots and pulled my hood up, i clasped the assassin mask over my face, clipping behind my ears. i also didn't realise how much i missed the normal routine of being an assassin trainee. waking up at dawn or earlier every morning, getting into the training gear. learning new stuff like how to easily conceal yourself in the shadows even in broad daylight. i just missed the feeling of being in control, everything was the same most days. some people may find it annoying since it's the same thing everyday but, i quite enjoy it.

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