Chapter 1 - Easy Cash

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Y/N POV (now 15yrs old)

It was dark. The sound of the wind howling were ferocious, I could hear the tree beaches bending from the forceful wind. I could tell the wind was trying to get into the building. But it couldn't.

I was sitting in the shadows. Waiting for my victim to arrive. Marc Daniels. One of the top drug dealers in the country. He was one upping my client. I'm being paid $2000 just to slit this guys throat then burn any evidence including the body. Pretty easy money.

I heard the door creak as a single man scurried in, out of the wind, holding a torch and slamming and locking the door shut. He shuffled quickly to the fire place, lighting a match.

As the fire place awakened he scurried around to where a lamp was, turning it on so he could see the papers. From where I was I could see molecules of different substances and in bold above the combined molecules was: PERFECT DRUG.

Oh fuck. What the... maybe if I get this recipe back to my client I could get another thousand or more. I nodded my head ever so slightly with my confirmation, listening to my victims muttering.

He scurried back and forth from the tables he had with papers and forms and new drug recipes muttering in high praise of his intelligence or scrunching it up and burning it. I turned my focus to the fire place.

There is no way I'm going to fit his whole body in there. I hunched my shoulders forward in annoyance. I would have to cut him up a bit to get him in there. I breathed deeply but quietly through my nose and readied my self for my pounce.

I quietly took out my knife and got into a stance for jumping from the railing that ran around the warehouse. I jumped and landed with a quiet thud as he was scrunching a paper. Phew. That was close.

He threw the paper in the fire and turned his back away from me. I quietly scurried over to him and grabbed his mouth and slicing my cold blade through his throat. I could tell his eyes widened but he quickly went limp. I gently put him on the ground and then I went to the table.

I sort through all the papers and forms quickly. Any important ones like: drug recipes or his next deal I put on one table in a neat stack. Any that wasn't important I spread out on a table. I grabbed my victim making sure he didn't drop any blood on the concret floor and got his body on top of the worthless papers.

I wiped my knife that I slit his throat with on his clothes, then quickly back into its place on my belt. I grabbed my serrated dagger from my thigh strap and got to work. Taking of his arms, legs and head. I wiped my dagger on his clothes and sheathed it back on my outer thigh.

I grabbed the papers that were underneath the limb I had cut and used it so I wouldn't drop any blood. Cause that bitch is hard to get off the floor. And chucked it into the fire.

The stench of burning blood, hair, skin, flesh and bone started to fill the warehouse immediately. I quickly got to work and got the rest of the body into the fire.

I made sure my hands were clean and got my neat stack of papers into a big pocket in my cloak. I closed the pocket and scurried to the door. I opened the door and shut it quickly. The howl of the wind in my ears.

I could barely see in front of me, but I could make out the shape of some of the people that worked for Marc. I quickly went the other way, being pulled with the wind.

———— time skip ——————- 40 minutes

I managed to get out of the wind and get to my client within 40 minutes. The whole time I was in the warehouse and got back to him was an hour and 20 minutes. I gave him the papers and he praised me with another 2 thousand. That's 4 thousand in total. Good. I quickly got back to Santa Prisca just in time for curfew. I got cleaned up and to bed within 10 minutes. And lights were out.
Words: 746

A/N: Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading this story! More chapters out soon but I will be also writing my other Damian x reader so it's a bit of a juggle. But hope you like it so far!!

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