Chapter 2 - My Parents Are Who?

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The sky was black with only a few stars to be seen. The moon dim. Leaves rustling lightly, as I walked back to my quarters to see my carer that is practically my mother, pacing in the quarters we share. "Belinda? Are you okay?" I ask her (if that's your name change it).

"Oh yes, I just have to tell you something that I should have told you years ago." She replied, finally stopped pacing.
"What is it?" I ask closing the door and locking it, incase no one else was meant to know this.
"I-I know who your biological parents are." She said softly just loud enough for me to be able to hear it.
"You do?" I ask bewildered.
"Yes." She said.
"Well," i said breathing deeply, "who are they?" "Oliver and Dinah Queen." Belinda said bringing her arms in front of her, intertwining her fingers together. I breathed deeply. My parents are billionaires? That was not what I was expecting.
"Why am I here then? Why did they hand me over?!" I said, starting to get annoyed. Why hand me over. What did I do?
"They didn't hand you over, dear." Belinda said reassuringly, walking over to me.
"They didn't?" I asked with confusion flooding my voice.
"No, death stroke paid 5 men $1M to kidnap I baby each that were fit to be assassins. You just happened to be one of them. Your father tried to get you back but he wasn't fast enough. He's still looking for you." Belinda told me.
"Why are you telling me this now?" I ask looking to the ground, fists clenched. Oh I am going to kill deathstoke, I thought. "Because I have finally made the decision to give you back to them."
Words: 299

Sorry for the short chapter!! I just needed to give you one. ITS A FILLER OK

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