Chapter 11 - Ariana Isley

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(Ariana Isley used to be named Ariana Lass for those that were reading this book in 2022)
I was sitting with my friends in the usual spot, at the back fence of the football field, under the stadium metal chairs. It was the best spot to stay hidden from the popular kids and yet still able to eavesdrop their conversations and see what they were doing.

Sarah, Michelle and Bethany were peering through the silver chairs as they watched the popular kids.

Charlie and I were reading books peacefully, but I kept seeing Mark glance over to me for long periods of time. His position was laid back, yet nervous. He's been like that for the past couple of weeks, at first I didn't think much of it, but then I remembered one of the very first lessons that Belinda taught me.

Learning body language. And what certain people do when they feel a certain way about someone or something. The first thing I did when I met my friends was learning their body language, which I now know like the back of my hand.

It had taken me a while to think about Belinda without bursting into tears just at the thought.

I sneaked glances at Mark, studying his language, which was faced towards me. His body language was directed towards and for me.

And everything he did, every little thing he subconsciously put into his actions. Was meant for me.


I could tell from the way Mark acted that he had a crush on me. But I only recently figured it out. But I still wasn't 100% sure. So I didn't think anything of it.

I heard more voices from the popular kids with them being immature, I must admit I was curious about what they were going on about, and put a bookmark in my page and shit my book, joining the other girls peering through the silver seats.

Ariana was walking around between the boys all flirty and stuff, thinking she look so cool. Honestly, I thought she was the biggest butch you could ever come across. Though Michelle thought she was amazing, I didn't like her.

I watched Ariana intensely as she neared Damian. All the boys were laughing and him included. He's so cute when he laughs. Ariana snuck her leg in between Damians which cut off his laugh. She curled an arm around his neck like a snake and leant in.

I was furious, I tried to keep my head clear so my friends didn't know how I felt. They still didn't know about Damian.

I watched as Arianas lips got closer to Damians. I saw a poor attempt of him pushing her away, but it looked like as though he didn't want her gone.

I was fuming, what the fuck did he think he was doing??! I intensely watched Damians and Arianas body language.

Arianas seemed free flowing and calm, flirtation toward Damian.
Damians seemed more restricted and even looked slightly controlled and stiff.

My mind tinkered away at the back, coming up with logical and reasonable explanations. But the front of my mind had taken control with filling my entire body with waves and poundings of anger and sadness. It took every bit of strength in my body to not run away from watching them kiss.

i looked down at my book as to try distract myself from my surroundings. thankfully the bell went and i swiftly went into my class, good thing damian wasn't in my classes for the last two periods of the day. it wouldn't end well for him. i had math and than english. it went by slowly. i stared at the clock, watching the seconds go by painfully slow as the teachers went on and on about stuff that we wouldn't use or need in life.

i stared at the clock in the class room like it was a boom count down. 3.....2....1..RING

I BOLTED out of the class room and ran through the school. i heard someone who sounded like bethany call out to me but i was already out of the school. i'll have to call her later tonight maybe, or maybe she can just talk to me tomorrow at school.

i ran across pedestrian crossings and through crowds. i ran down the alley way and felt tears beginning to prick at my eyes. i stopped momentarily for the AI to scan me and zap me through before i ran up the stairs to my room, my mother calling out to me.

i slide down my door, tears steaming down my face. why would he do that? i thought we were happy.

there was a soft knock on my door and the muffled of my mother telling her to let her in. i can't let her see me like this, a crying mess on the floor.

i quickly got up and grabbed my black duffel bag, that held my black arrow costume and weapons and jumped out my window. i climbed down the fire escape and walked along roofs. i came to a hiding place with my duffel bag and changed into my suit. the sun was setting i slung my duffel bag along with my bow on my back as i took a patrol around the city.

i watched the sun disappear as i sat on a building opposite Queen enterprises. i didn't bother to go back to the house, i skipped dinner as i continued to patrol. i took down some lame criminals as i took out all my built up anger out on them. at least leaving them alive.

i saw my fathers silhouette come out of the house. i snuck back into the shadows, i didn't feel like talking to anyone at the moment.

i kept my eyes on my father as my legs slowly took me to the ocean. the direction of my old home, Santa Prisca. i remember when it used to be so simple. no school, no crushes, no partners. i think i finally understand why there was a rule on no dating. i wondered if it would be simpler back there. to forget about Damian. i walked along the docks watching the moon glisten on the water. i saw a distant boat coming towards us, and saw a familiar figure on the boat. half orange, half black and white eyes. deathstroke... what does he want now.

a/n: i don't know if you've realised yet but this story is about to get some real angst, and no happy ending. sorry guys. and there is like 1-2 chapters left on this book, i haven't decided yet. sorry about the late update.
word count: 1123

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