Chapter 10 - An Encounter With Deathstroke

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"Black Arrow."

A soft breeze pushed past a few strands of my dirty blonde hair. My hood restricted the wind from touching the rest of my hair. My face mask was pulled over my nose as I looked through a pair of sunglasses overlooking Star City.

My black and sliver quiver attached to my back, I firmly held my black steel bow in hand as I tuned into the police sirens coming on and off, sometimes a fair distance away on the other side of the city, and sometimes close enough for me to watch the police cars fly past in between building. The grey block buildings concealed the flashing red and blue lights every so often as they sped past at a rapid pace, hunting down their next criminal.

My earpiece kept quiet for most of the night, mother and father had no need to keep in contact with me. And then there was static for a heartbeat, then father's voice as clear as daylight on the other end of the piece.
"Y/n are you there?"
"Yes, I can hear you."
"Are you near the Star City Natural Park?"
"I'm a few blocks away, why?"
"Can you head there now? Deathstroke's there; he's stirring up trouble of some kind around there."
"On my way."

Yes, finally. Deathstroke's here and I can finally get him for taking me away from my family 16 years ago.

I held my bow firmly as I jumped from building to building and leapt over alleyways. The glistening lights of the star city shinned and breathed life all around me as if it were alive itself.

Even though it was nearly midnight, the city still had pedestrians crossing busy roads and people shouting to one another as if it weren't the middle of the night but the middle of the day. I continued leaping off and over buildings, quickly making my way to the national park. What could Deathstroke possibly want now?

I don't think he would make a special trip from Santa Prisca just to come to collect me. He's to stick up, most likely too busy as well to notice I'm gone.

I pondered these thoughts as the national park came into view. My assassin training kicked into gear as I scanned the trees, looking for my prey.

There. I jumped down from the building I was currently standing on and concealed myself in the shadows. I carefully made my way over to Deathstroke. He seemed to just be sitting on a park bench with a large brown mesh bag next to his feet.

"So, you finally arrived."

The dark slick voice muffled by a mask filled the air around him. Creating an almost choking feeling tensed the air. The trees were silent as though they were drawn to see what would happen next.

I pulled out an arrow from my quiver, setting it into my bow. I pulled my bow back as I walked towards his back, aiming the arrow head at his head.

Before I could even make a move to release the arrow, he whipped around to face me. He pressed a thump against the arrow forcing it next to the bow, thinking it would stop the arrow from being released. Since he was now standing, I couldn't get him in the head. One of his hands was clasped over mine, which was holding the bow. And the other was pressing the stem of the arrow against the bow.

So I released the arrow, and with being close range, the bow went straight through Deathstroke's stomach. My eyes widened. He didn't even flinch.

"Foolish girl" he seemed to growl under his breath as kept one hand on mine, jerking the bow still as he pulled the arrow out with his now free one.

With the hand he used to hold the bow, he shoved me backwards as he yanked the last of the arrowhead out of his abdomen. He snapped it in half and threw it to the ground with a small clatter.

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