Chapter 8 - Wayne Charity Gala

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I shook my head, of course, he was. I said goodnight to mother and went up into my room for some much-needed sleep.

——— (1 Month later)

Damian POV

"'O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name. And I shall no longer be a Capulet.' What play is this line from?" asks the teacher, writing the line on the whiteboard.

A girl at the front of the class raised her hand and answered, "Romeo and Juliet."

"Yes, Romeo and Juliet are correct. And who wrote Romeo and Juliet?" She asked, looking at me. "Damian."

"Shakespeare," I said, barely looking up from twirling my pen.

"Hmm, correct." She said disapprovingly.

I went back to twirling my pen and leaning on my chair.


The bell rang, signalling the end of period 3. I got out of my chair and swiftly made my way out the door, noticing Mrs Pang's hard glare in my direction. I never really liked her, and the feeling seemed mutual. At least during this period, I could see Y/N.

I entered the art room and saw Y/N, she was sitting in front of a canvas, with a cute frown on her face when she was trying to work something out. I smiled and walked over to her, pulling up a chair next to her. She noticed me and looked up, giving me her cute happy grin that I love so much.

The canvases blocked anyone's view of me and Y/N sitting next to each other. Our relationship is somewhat secret in our school life. Since we are in different friend groups, mine is at the top, and she's somewhere in between. I think she should be in my group but I see she's happy with her friends, they suit her.

So now our relationship is secret in school. It shouldn't be but it is.

"Today class, we will be doing still life, get as much done in this period as possible." The teacher said as he walked in. He grabbed a clear glass jar, added a handful of paint brushes, thick and thin, and added a few dried flowers from the back rooms. "Paint this as accurately as you can." He said, waving his hands dramatically around the objects he put together. And then he sat down at his desk and went to sleep.

"Good explanation, sir," Y/N whispered to me mockingly.

"Very clear," I whispered back.

I watched Y/N paint in the corner of my eye. We both got almost half of our painting done before the bell for lunch.


We parted ways at the front of the school as Pennyworth picked me up. I watched Y/N walk towards the alleyway that held the hidden zeta tube, on her way back home. I would see her again tonight anyway, Father is holding a Charity Gala tonight.


(Y/N Gala dress in f/c) 👇

 (Y/N Gala dress in f/c)  👇

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