Chapter 3 - Meeting Father

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My body was trembling. I was filled with rage and confusion. I was going to kill deathstoke for taking me away from my family. But at the same time, if he didn't take me away would I have become a rich brat? I wasn't sure.

I was filled to the brim with questions but I didn't ask any, not now, only my 'parents' could answer them. I looked in the small mirror in my room, the similarities were definitely there. The dirty blonde hair and pale green eyes, resembled the Queen family.

I gathered my things and it was nearing midnight. The moon hiding behind the clouds, casting shadows over Santa Prisca. I swiftly snuck out and got to the meeting place on the dar side of the island where I was meeting Belinda.

We got off the island in a semi quiet speed boat and got to the docks of star city. Where my father and mother lived. We climbed onto the creaking wooden boards of the docks and quickly made our way to an abandoned car park filled with rusted tin scrapes.

I hid in the shadows while Belinda stood in the middle of the car park, waiting for someone. Who? I didn't know. I double checked my weapons were hidden by my black cloak. I first saw the shadow of a hooded man and then the man himself, Green Arrow.

His arms were made of pure muscle, chiseled to perfection. His jawline cut like diamonds, I always had admired Green Arrow for how he kept his muscles the same, they never lost their shape like he never missed a workout.

He started talking to Belinda and my eyes widened. Belinda knows green arrow? She pointed in my general direction and green arrow turned to look at me. I met his gaze, i couldnt see his eyes due to his 'mask'. His hair was hidden by the green leather hood but i could tell that he had short hair.

Belinda gestured for me to come forward and i reluctantly did. I stood up from my crouched position and walked forwad into the slighy pale moon light filtering through the soft grey clouds.

I lifted my hood, revealing my face and hair that was in a rough single braid down my back. My pale green eyes reflected the moonlight perfectly, making them pale green-grey.

My jawline matched green arrow's, I just noticed. He folded his bow and clipped it in place. He pushed back his hood, revealing his short dirty blonde hair. He then proceeded to take off his 'mask', revealing his bright green eyes. My voice was clogged in my throat. Green arrow was Oliver Queen. Green Arrow was my father.
Words: 456

Sorry for the wait!! And for the short chapter. It's just a filler chapter and I will try make the next chapter longer! Hope you liked the chapter!
- Byeeeeee

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