Chapter 6 - Gotham Academy

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I took a quick shower and got changed into bike shorts and a f/c oversized hoodie and crawled my way into bed. Lazily drifted off to sleep with dreams filled with Damian.
a/n: omg i can't believe this chapter got deleted ;-; apologies for the inconvenience of getting here.

i walked down from my room to grab some breakfast and mother was already there. i smiled politely as i sat down with a bowl of cereal. i began eating when started talking to me. i kind of just nodded and hummed when she asked me how my sleep was and if i was doing okay, settling and all.

"you will be going to school with damian." she said. i nearly chocked on my cereal, i wide eyed her in confusion. i swallowed, "but he's in gotham, i'm in star city. wouldn't it make more sense to send me to a school here?"

"probably, but your father and i discussed this last night. it would be best for you to go to school with someone you already know." mother said sweetly.

"oh ok." i answered, still not understanding the situation but seeing where they were coming from. not that i really know damian but they didn't need to know that.

i finished my breakfast and washed my bowl up. i went to my room, getting ready for gotham academy.

my phone pinged and i picked it up as i finished my simple make up, nude lip with a small wing.

i saw it was damian. i smiled.

your coming to my school?

yeah. parents are weirdos and said 'it's best for you to go to school with someone you know'.

wouldn't it be simpler to got to star city?

yeah i told them that. they didn't care. so now i'm going to school with you.

i'm not complaining

i'm sure your not. i'll see you soon?

yeah see you.

i smiled as i walked out my room door, phone in hand. mother told me i was going to zeta to gotham. so i did.

i ended up in an alleyway and i walked out to a bustling city of dangerous criminals. i saw the school and i made my way there, crossing two roads to get there. i walked in and a girl with dark brown hair immediately came up to me.

i raised an eyebrow at her. "hello, your y/n queen right?"

"yes." i said

"great! i'm bethany. i'll be showing you around for the first week so you can get easily settled in." she smiled at me.

"oh ok." i nodded to her and she lead the way through the school grounds.

"so the popular kids are basically anyone that is cool enough to hang with damian wayne. they sit over there." she pointed to a group sitting on wooden tables near the sport fields. i saw damian, he was just sitting there, surrounded by a bunch of boys, a few girls. they were all laughing at something and when they turned to him, he immediately changed to a slightly shake at there antics, with a smile on his face. they all turned their backs to him and he went back to blank face, staring at a wall.

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