Chapter 12 - What The Fuck

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i wondered if it would be simpler back there. to forget about Damian. i  walked along the docks watching the moon glisten on the water. i saw a distant boat coming towards us, and saw a familiar figure on the boat. half orange, half black and white eyes. deathstroke... what does he want now.

i stood still as deathstrokes boat came closer to the docks i was at. "hello again y/n. long time no see." he said in his deep annoying voice. i couldn't make out any emotion in it at all. i didn't know if he was mad or not. he probably is mad. i mean i did run away. and shot him in the stomach so...

"i have a proposition for you."

Dinah's POV

i heard the AI zap my daughter through from gotham and went to greet her home, i walked into the living room and watched her run straight to her room. i called after her but no response. she shut the door without slamming it to my surprise. i walked up the metal staircase to Y/N's room. i knocked on her door softly, i asked if she would let me in to talk about what has clearly made her upset. there was no response so i decided to leave her be. she'll tell me when she's ready.

i walked down the stairs to see my husband walk up the main entrance from the ongoing traffic of star city. he told me about his day in the office.

"is y/n home?" he asked with a small tilt of his head.

"yes, but she ran all the way to her room and shut the door before i could even get a word in." i replied with a small frown. "something's definitely happened at school. i've never seen her so... i'm not sure really what she was feeling. but she wouldn't let me in her room to talk to her. but i'm sure she will come out to talk to us when she's ready." i said, trying to convince myself as well as Oliver.

he nodded slowly, understanding my concern.
"if she doesn't come out in an hour we will try again at her room. if she doesn't come out we will have to go in to talk to her. as much as she may. it want to talk to us, she has to talk to someone." he said calmly.

i nodded and went to make dinner. i was worried about y/n. i only just got her back after so long, i didn't want to lose her again.

Oliver's POV
as Dinah went to make dinner, i continued to ponder what she said about our daughter. her actions and behaviour is definitely indicating that something made her upset, and it had to be in school. maybe a boy. my hand clenched on the table thinking that a boy must have hurt her. my jaw clenched as i frowned hard. i'm gonna kill this boy.

*time skip*
it's been an hour, roughly, and i decided to try my lunch with y/n. i knocked on her door and to no avail, there was no answer. i tried to talk to her but she didn't answer. i was worried and forced myself into her room. the door banged against the wall as i scanned her room. she wasn't here....

her school bag seemed to have been thrown at her desk, maybe in a fit of rage. she definitely was no longer here. i searched her room, to find any clues on where she may have went. i couldn't lose my only daughter again. not after last time. not only after getting her back two years ago.

my mind began racing to conclusions. maybe someone took her. but there didn't seem to be any kind of struggle and we would've heard her if someone else where have been in here. i checked her room for anything but there was nothing.

then it hit me. maybe she left to clear her head? maybe went out on early patrol. i wasn't sure but i quickly walked down the stairs and to the armoury that was in the house already. i clicked a button behind a book and the shelving split apart and opened, green light flooding the room. (cliché i know.) and instantly noticed that y/n's suit, black arrow, was gone. as well as her weapons. a small frown entered my forehead as i closed the library shelf door and tell Dinah my discovery.

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