Chapter 4 - Meeting Mother and Friends

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I had so many questions. My whole life I was told that my parents were dead and that the league of assassins saved me from the heroes wraith.

And now I've been told that my parents are alive. And one happens to be a hero. I started to slightly hyperventilate, my breathe quickening, palms sweating.

My whole life is a lie. I thought over and over again. I felt myself about to start trembling from the build up of shock when I automatically stopped my breathing and focused on the coolness of the soft wind lightly brushing my face.

Closed my eyes and saw everything around me to the smallest detail. I started breathing again and opened my eyes, calm and silent, just like I was taught. A few loose strands of hair were flowing lightly in the wind as I looked back into my fathers eyes. It felt weird calling him that.

"Y/N?" He asked, slightly bewildered, as though I wasn't real.
"Yeah,*sigh* that's me." I answered, beginning to fidget with my hands.
"15, right?" He asked, frowning lightly as if he was making sure that's how long it's been since he's seen his baby girl.

"Yeah.... Sorry if I'm not talkative, I just found out you were my dad yesterday after years of getting told that you were dead." I said to him looking to the ground, not knowing how to act around him.

I saw him nod in the corner of my eye, like he understood. Maybe he isn't such a stuck up, rich dickhead like I thought Oliver Queen was.

"Sorry to ruin the so great father-daughter reunion but we should probably get somewhere safe before the league notice there grand star assassin is missing." Belinda interjected.

I released a breath I hadn't notice I was holding. Oliver nodded and gestured for us to follow him. He lead us in the shadows, some what, to a out of order telephone booth that transported us inside of Oliver's office/house.

"Grand star assassin, huh?" He asked me, amused. I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah, after the leaders grandson was taken out of the league and put into society I became their new weapon." I said giggling a bit.
"You must be pretty good then." He answered with a challenging look on his face.
"Yeah, better then you." I said back with a challenge accepted tone.

He smirked and excused himself, saying he had to make a few quick calls to close friends to tell the great news. In a couple of minutes there were portal zaps and noises and 3 people appeared.

Black Canary, Wonder Woman, Batman. Black Canary looked at Oliver, as if to double check what he told her was true. He nodded eyes slightly welling.

Black Canary gasped and ran over to me and pulled me into a tight hug. I tensed from the sudden movement. Who the hell was this? I wondered, but I returned the hug to not be rude.

"I've missed you so much, I never even got to hold you before they took you away from me." She whispered into my ear. Realisation dawned on me as I felt wet tears fall onto my neck, coming from Black Canary, my mother.

I quickly tightened the hug, I had always thought what it would be like to be hugged by my mother, never thought it would come true. And now here I am, being hugged by my mother, that was a hero. Maybe the heroes aren't so bad after all.

Black Canary eventually released me, and I found Wonder Woman standing close by. "You look like a Queen." She said in her thick Amazon accent. Damn, she's hotter in person.

I just smirked at her, "Hello, Wonder Woman, I'm Y/N." I said to her holding out my hand, she shook it. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you Y/N, and please you can call me Diana." She smiled sweetly. I nodded and looked back at where Batman was still standing, eyeing me suspiciously.
"Hello?" I asked.
"You must know of my son, Damian." He said, voice as deep as I imagined.
"Why would she know your son Bruce?" Oliver asked in confusion.
"Cause he is the leaders grandson," I told my father, I turned back to face Batman, "yes I know of your son, why do you ask?" I asked in wonder.

I haven't seen Damian in quite some time. I didn't realise that Batman was his father. Bruce, happened to be his name according to fathers calling.

"Good to have someone close to his age that went through the same thing as him is all." Bruce said, squinting his eyes at you.

I nodded, agreeing with him, he did one quick nod and turned on his heel quickly, cape flying out behind him and he disappeared into the portal type thing.
"What is that?" I asked aloud.
"It's called a zeta tube." Father explained vaguely as he grabbed a drink.

I nodded again, having some sort of understanding of it when I got dragged over by Diana and mother to sit on the couch with them.

"Now how was it like growing up around assassins?" Mother asked.
"Well, i guess it's like any other childhood except instead of family games we had training. We had healthy food instead of junk food. We were constantly told that the heroes were bad and that they 'saved us' from them. Which I now realise was incorrect and is actually the other way around." I told them, eye rolling and falling back onto the couch with a big huff.

Dinah giggled a bit. "Your just like your father, so dramatic." I smiled at that. At least I had something personality wise the same as my father besides the hair colour.

I sat back up and we began talking about random things and dragged Belinda to our side of the couch and she joined in. Mother, Belinda and Diana filled me in on something I had missed that were important in society, and we had a bit of gossip and laughed all the way into the night.
Words: 1028

HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE THIS! Sorry if it's a bit awkward but I had to get it in, so you will be meeting Damian again after 5 years next chapter. Should I have a Damian POV? Or someone else's POV besides Y/N's? Let me know in the comments!

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