Chapter 9 - Black Arrow

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I saw Damian wave as we made our way to the door and out to the car. And on our way back home.

School, thankfully, went by quickly. Although I noticed Mark sneaking glances at me. I don't think he realised that I saw him in my peripheral vision.

There was another new student today though, Ariana Isley. Red hair, blue eyes, fair skin. The moment I saw her I knew she would cause trouble with me.

Her gaze went by all the girls but stared intently at all the boys, the moment she walked into the class this morning.

As the teacher had called her over to the desk to introduce herself, her eyes landed on Damian. And she smirked with a knowing look in her eye. Like she's found a meal to satisfy her hunger.

Damian didn't even take notice from being used to girls falling for him. Whereas I noticed, and man did it make my blood boil.

I swear if she makes a move on Damian, I will break the oath I have with my father and kill this bitch.

As I made my way to the alley way to go home, I get a text from Damian.

Damian ❤️
Hey are you ok?

Y/N 😘
Yeah why you ask?

You seemed annoyed all day.

Cause of the new girl 🙄

What happened? Didn't know you guys talked.

We haven't and I don't plan to.

What happened.

Nothing it's fine.

She has a crush on me doesn't she?


Doesn't she? And you mad about it.


Y/N you don't have to be worried about her. I'm not going to leave you for some low life girl.

... ok


Ok. Love you, you bitch 🙄☺️

Love you too 😡🥰

I smiled at the texts and reassured myself to trust Damian. I zetaed to my living room just as father was coming up the elevator with a drink in hand.

He saw me and seemed surprised.

"What?" I asked razing an eyebrow at him.

"Why are you home so early?" He asked.

"Father, it's 3:00 in the afternoon. Schools finished." I laughed when his face dropped. He ran to his office and slammed the door.

* time skip (2 hours) *

I heard father come out of his office and sit on the couch next to the drink stand. I quietly walked down the stairs. I thought about what it would be like to be a vigilante along side my parents. I doubt they would even let me, but then again they know I was an assassin trained by Ras al Ghul so maybe they would let me.

As I pondered these thoughts I walked past father to the training room.

"Oh Y/N" he asked quickly grabbing my attention. "I have something to talk to you about."

"What is it?" I asked, taking a seat on the couch diagonal from him. Did he find out about Damian and I? The thought rushes into my head before I could stop it. Dread filled my veins making me feel heavy, as though I was being pulled to the ground with force.

"Do you want to be a vigilante like your mother and I?" He asked, placing his drink on the table in front.

What in the witchcraft is this? I was just thinking about this. The heavy dread left my veins and was replaced with the light airiness of relief.

"Um, Yeah. I mean it be cool to be one." I told him. Trying to hide my excitement with a calm and collected tone.

"Good, follow me." Father said, leading me to the garage, below the apartment/office.

We got into one, of his many, Lamborghini's.  And we drove off a bit further down town in star city. I continuously asked him where we were going and he just said it was a surprise that I would like.

Father pulled into an alley and we both got out. He walked towards the brick dead end wall and I trailed behind him carefully.

He pressed in a brick and scanned his eye.
"Green Arrow" the AI said as the wall opened, the bricks retracting into themselves, opening to show a training room and vigilante costumes hung up on mannequin.

Father walked in and I continued behind him. "Intruder alert, identify self." The AI said.
"Override intrusion, Y/N Queen." Father said into a computer near the entrance as he tapped a few things on it.

The AI calmed down, and scanned me. "Welcome Queen, Y/N."

I walked in as father beckoned me over to another brick wall inside the secret building.

"This is the Quiver." He said, gesturing to the building we were in.
"Wow, you came up with that?" I asked sarcastically.
"Yeah, totally." He said. As he pressed yet another brick in.

The wall retracted revealing a female mannequin, dressed in a black vigilante suit with part off the chest covered in a leather studded piece, and a hood over the head and face mask. The suit was long sleeved, with leather glove like things covering the hands. A black loose leather waist trainer with a leather studded belt, holding two little pouches. There were black combat boots as well. There was a line up of different types of arrows on a rack, all black with a few light green highlights in the feathers. And a black compound bow.

(Minus the cape 👆)

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(Minus the cape 👆)

I ran my fingers over the smooth steel of the black bow. My eyes wandered over the little interact details in gold, engraved into the bow handle. Little swirls almost like air. I saw father shuffle off and leaves me to admire what he got done for me. I can't believe he did this.

Father came back over and cleared his throat. "You like it?" He questioned.
I turned my head to look at him. A smile planted on my face. "I love it. Thank you." I said, beaming. I turned my head back to my suit as I looked over the rack of arrows.

Admiring the differently carved heads. Fathers phone rang and he picked it up. I heard him muttering some things as he walked to the other side of the training room.

He came back over a while later.
"Do you have a name?" He asked.
My face scrunched into my thinking face as I tilted my head slightly. I racked my brain for ideas and remembered that my father was Green Arrow. And he had had a sidekick or partner I should say, Red Arrow. I looked back to my costume and smiled.

"Black Arrow."

Word count: 1106

A/N: Hey guys! So sorry for the wait guys!! I've had a bit of writers block and didn't know who to conclude this chapter! And I think I'm going to delete the chapter 8 smut cause it's bad and there's no point for it. Hopefully next chapter will be quicker! Goodbye for now lovelies <3

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