Chapter 7 - Its Meh Birthday (16yrs)

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I made my way up to my room. Dropped my tote bag on my desk chair and taking my school shoes of. Washed my face and hands, untied my hair and went back downstairs, smelling a delicious smell of curry. I sat with my parents at the table. Which was unusual. Father is normally in the office and doesn't have dinner with us. We began eating and retelling each other our day.

1 week later. (Y/N now 16. Damian is 17.) JUST WANTED TO CLARIFY.
Father was holding another party. Different one this time. Close friends only. I skimmed the guest list that I found in fathers office. I saw the names; Allen, Kent, Wayne. I think I saw Prince. Which I was glad about. I would see Diana again. I also saw Damians name there too, along with his 'brothers', all under Bruce's name. All heroes.

I was helping mother set up the main room, while father was getting the drinks. When father came back to set up the drinks with mother's help, I left to go make any final adjustments, to make sure I looked presentable.

My hand brushed the bow and arrow sliver charm on my necklace that I got for my birthday today.

I heard voices from the entrance, I heard the obvious voice of my father and then the voice of Bruce Wayne. Hearing way too many footsteps for two men, I presumed that the bat boys were here to.

I heard them disappear into the main room, were the party would be held. I double checked that I had everything ready, and I quietly walked down the stairs as I heard father move the Wayne's into the party room.

I reached the last step as I saw Damian come back around the corner, and lean against the wall looking at me. I smiled as I walked over to him. He slightly smiled back.

I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear as we became arm distance away from one another.

"I have a gift for you." His sweet yet slightly gruff voice said. I cocked my head with a small frown.
"You know, you didn't have too." I said, as he was already pulling out a box from his back pocket.

It was a f/c box, magnet keeping it closed. He placed it into my open hands. I could feel the callouses on his hands as his fingers brushed mine.

I opened the box, and saw a sliver charm bracelet. I smiled, as I saw 2 charms on it. A bat, and a arrow.

I felt a blush creep onto my smiling face, I saw Damian shuffling on the spot in my peripheral vision

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I felt a blush creep onto my smiling face, I saw Damian shuffling on the spot in my peripheral vision.

I kissed him on the cheek, taking him by surprise, making him stand still with 'processing' frown on his face.

"Thank you." I said, putting the box in between my legs in order to put the bracelet on. I felt rough hands gently take the bracelet from my fingers and put it on.

He brushed a few strands behind my ear and tilted my chin up towards him, and leaned in for a kiss. I closed my eyes and leaned in, going on my tippy toes to reach him faster, grabbing his shoulders to stay stable. He snuck an arm around my waist and our lips were just touching.

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