Chapter 11

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Info ▼You See the Invisible

Matt's POV

After hours of studying and dancing, I went back home. I was freaking out about Ellie. I couldn't get my feelings on track. I was falling in love with her and it was giving me anxiety. I was always worried and nervous around her even though I don't make it noticeable. I was scrolling through my contacts, looking for someone to call. I called my friend Cameron, but he didn't answer. I then dialed the number for my friend, Nash. I put the phone on speaker and after multiple rings, he answered.

"Hello?" he said.

"Nash, I need your help." I told him.

"Are you going through some midlife crisis?" he asked. I rolled my eyes as if he could see me.

"No, well sort of. There's this girl." I said.

"Ohhhh. I see. You got her preg-"

"No NASH!" I exclaimed. "I didn't get her pregnant. I'm not even dating her." I said.

"Then what is the issue?"

"I like her. I really really like her. I'm just afraid to tell her."

"That's not the Matt I know. Just tell her. Tell me what she's like." I sighed and then smiled. I fell back on the bed.

"She's about 5'4'', short brown hair, big blue eyes. She's really smart and funny and adorable. She's beautiful, but she doesn't' see it."

"Oh, she's one of those girls." Nash interrupted.

"Can you shut up? Her name is Ellie. You spend one night with her and you're mesmerized by her. She can talk for hours on one subject. Her father is in the military and every week they write letters to each other. I danced with her today. That was amazing. I loved the way her hand felt in mine. We rocked back and forth to "Never Stop" by Safetysuit. I feel like that's our song now."

"You got it bad, dude. Did you ask her out yet?" he asked.

"No, I'm afraid."

"Afraid of what? Rejection? How could she reject you? You're Matthew Espinosa. Girls will literally throw themselves at you."

"But she's so smart. She'd never date an idiot like me." I said.

"Matthew, you aren't an idiot. If you don't ask her out, I will."

"Back off, dude. You don't even know her." I said, wanting to punch him in the face for saying that. I was getting jealous.

"Relax man, I'm kidding. She obviously means that much to you if got that defensive. Just grow a pair and ask her. Is she coming to Magcon with you in a few weeks?"

"I can't even ask her out, let alone ask her to come away with me!"

"Pull yourself together Matthew. Listen, I got to go. I'm going out to dinner with my family tonight so I need to get ready. See you in a few weeks bud." he said.

"See ya."

"I'm expecting to see the girl too."

"Alright, Nash." I hung up and ran my hand down my face. This sucks. I'm afraid to ask out Ellie. How is that normal? I shouldn't be afraid of asking her out. My phone vibrated on my stomach and I picked it to look at the screen. Ellie texted me.

Hey Matt! Since we don't have school tomorrow, I was wonder if you'd like to watch the sunset with me in the morning.

This couldn't be more perfect. I'll ask her out while the sun is rising.

Ellie's POV

I waited for Matt to text me back. I remember him saying he wants to watch the sunrise one morning. My phone buzzed and I looked at the screen in excitement.

Sure! What time should I be over?"

I texted back.

Well the sunrises at six. So about 5? Text me when you're at the door, so I don't wake up anyone.

Got it ;)


My alarm woke me up at quarter to five. I rolled out of bed and pulled out a pair of sweatpants. I slipped them on and waited for the text from Matt. A few moments went by and my phone buzzed. I went quickly went downstairs and opened the door. Matthew was standing there wearing a pull over hoodie and a pair of black sweatpants.

"Hi, Ellie." Matt said with a smile.

"Hi Matt. C'mon, let's go upstairs." We quietly went back upstairs, making sure not to wake my mom. We climbed out my window and onto the roof. Matt and I sat and looked over the neighborhood. Some people were already leaving for work. Their porch lights flickered on and out the door they went.

We sat out there for awhile and I started to get cold. I rubbed my arms and Matt noticed. "Hey, are you cold?"

"Ya, just a little bit." I said.

"Here, take this." Matt pulled off his sweatshirt and gave it to me.

"Thanks." I smiled. Matt didn't have anything on underneath of the sweatshirt so now he was shirtless and it was a bit distracting.

The sun began to rise and the sun was turning shades of orange. "Isn't it beautiful?" I asked. I looked at Matt and he nodded.

"Um, Ellie, can I ask you something?" Matt said. I turned to him and smiled.

"You just did." I giggled. A smile spread across his face and he shook his head.

"I'm serious." Matt said.

"Is everything alright?" I began to get nervous.

"Ya, I was just wondering..." Matt trailed.

"Wondering what?"

"What your favorite pizza topping is." I gave Matt a confused look.

"My favorite pizza topping?" Matt nodded and smiled again.

"Um, pineapple I guess. I also like bacon." Matt chuckled and wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me into him. I rested my head on his shoulder and sighed.

"Nothing is more beautiful than the sunrise." I said. I heard Matt mumble something but I couldn't tell what. I didn't bother asking him to repeat it.

We sat there for a while, watching cars exit our neighborhood and everybody waking up. "Do you want to go out with me again, tonight?" he asked, suddenly.

"Um, that was sudden, but sure. I mean, since you're doing so well in chemistry." I giggled. I heard Matt sigh as if something bothered him but I ignored it.

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