Chapter 28

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Info ▼You See the Invisible

"Can we please stop studying?" Matt whined, only a half an hour into studying.

"No, Matthew. Midterms are next week and if you don't pass them, you're going to fail chemistry and I'll have to find another date to the Ed Sheeran concert next weekend." I told him.

"That's not fair." he pouted.

"Can you please just focus for another half an hour?" I asked, obviously annoyed. Matt grabbed the chemistry book from my hands and tossed it on the floor. He took my hands and held him.

"How can I focus, when a beautiful girl is staring at me?" he leaned in and kissed me. I pulled away from him, blushing.

"Flattering will get you nowhere."

"But it's working." Matt kissed me again and pulled me into his lap. His hands held my waist and I held onto his neck. His lips were soft and comfortable. It wasn't awkward to kiss him anymore. I was used to it. When Matthew would kiss me randomly when we weren't dating, it felt wrong, but now it feels right and I can't get enough of it.

We pulled away from each other, and I put my legs on either side of him and he put his arms on my back. I rested my forehead on his and we continued to look at each other. I was staring into his chocolate brown eyes and he was staring back into my ocean blues. "Do you remember when we first met?" I whispered.

"Yes." Matt said, taking a pause. "It was about two months ago. The bell rang to dismiss us to go home and Mrs. Columbus called both of us to stay after for a little bit. I was mad because, I was going to be late for football and I knew she was going to say something about my grades. When I walked over to her, I saw you. Your big blue eyes were staring at me so innocently and I couldn't help but look away. I couldn't even look at you. I never even noticed you until that afternoon and even then, when I first laid eyes on you, I thought you were beautiful."

"It's okay." I interrupted. "No one ever notices me."

"And then when you needed a ride home, you were so nervous around me. I found that adorable, but I didn't show it. Your hair was drenched from the rain and you were shivering. I wanted to hold you. I wanted to warm you up."

"Then why did you act like a jerk? You acted like you didn't want any part of me. Was that all apart of your "bad boy" image?" I asked. Matthew was silent. I was correct. "Don't worry about it." I kissed his cheek and then fell back on the bed. Matt hovered over me and smiled.

"Forget hydrogen, you're my number one element." he winked. I began laughing and then his started to tickle me. I began laughing harder and screaming, trying to get Matt to get off of me.

"P-please s-stop." I begged. I was trying to kick him off of me, but he did. My stomach hurt from laughing and it was getting hard to catch my breath. Everything stopped when my bedroom door flew open. Matt and I looked over to the door and my brother was standing there, staring at us wide-eyed.

"Um, mom brought home pizza for dinner."

"Okay." I said, knowing my face was completely red. Michael walked out of my bedroom and shut the door again. I put my hands over my face and shook my head. "That's so embarrassing." I sighed. I heard Matt chuckling and he pulled my hand away from my face. I looked at him and he leaned down to kiss my face. He kissed my forehead, nose, each eyelid, cheeks, and finally my lips. I ran my hands through his hair and then pulled away from him.

"We should do something tonight." Matt said.

"I have an idea." I smiled.

"And what would that be?" he asked.

"Putting pizza in my stomach." I rolled out from underneath him and ran down stairs. I could smell the pizza from the living room. When I walked into the kitchen, my mom and my brother were sitting at the table eating already. "Hi, mom." I smiled, grabbing a paper plate and two slices of pizza.

"Hi sweetheart, where's Matt?" she asked.

"I'm right here." I turned away and saw Matt walk into the kitchen. He sat next to me at the table and grabbed some pizza from the box. The whole time at dinner, Michael and Matt talked about sports and I just sat there taking it all in. My mom didn't have much to say. She seemed upset since my dad has left. I don't blame her though, he was supposed to be home for four days. He wasn't even here twenty four hours. My heart began to beat more rapidly and my breathing was uneven. I started to get hot and I excused myself from the table. I went up to my room and slammed the door shut. I fell to the floor and started screaming. I pounded my fists on my bedroom floor and began to cry. The screaming stopped and turned into loud crying. There was a pounding on my bedroom door. I didn't realize that I locked it, but I couldn't bring myself up from the floor to unlock the door. "Ellie? Is everything okay?" it was Michael. I didn't answer him.

I held my stomach as I was crying. There was a jiggling of the door knob and the door flew open. I looked up and everyone was standing there. Everyone rushed into my room and Michael grabbed me. He pulled me into him and I put my face in his shirt. He rubbed my back and rocked me back and forth. He used to do this when we were younger and I'd have panic attacks about my dad leaving. I guess it happened it a lot when I was younger. They happen whenever my dad leaves.

Matt's POV

Tears came to my eyes while watching Ellie cry into her brother's chest. I wanted to be her brother. I wanted to comfort her, but I would have never known how to. My heart shattered into pieces. I looked up at her mother, who was crying. "I'm going to leave. Tell Ellie I'll call her later."

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