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Emily's POV
We had stayed in Louisiana for three days before catching the killer. JJ and I didn't have sex since that first night and JJ was flirting with Will the whole time.

Anytime they were together, they flirted. They were basically a couple and it was like a knife to the heart. I once had to drive to a location with them and it was the most uncomfortable shit I have ever done.

When it was time to make the arrest, I practically dove into Morgans car. "The love birds making you uncomfy?" He asked. "Yes. It's like so annoying to be around." I groaned. Spencer and I talked about it the whole ride there.

Hotch and Rossi were in the car with them. They got out of the car and Rossi looked tired of it. "One more day." He muttered, walking to our group.

The arrest went perfectly but now we had to drive back. "JJ you're with us." Morgan said. She was walking towards the car when I switched cars with Will.

Rossi let me sit in the front next to Hotch. "Annoyed of it too?" He asked. "God yes. It's so annoying and gets on my nerves like just be a couple already. God damnit. I'm tired of it." I put my head in my hands and groaned.

"We all know the real reason you hate it Emily. You can be honest." I looked at Rossi in the back and then at Hotch. "There is no one you would help feel better after a night of drinking besides her. Remember when Morgan got sick and you laughed at him?" Rossi said.

"We all saw the same thing with Reid and Elle. We know how close the team can get." Hotch stated.

"That's the fucking problem. I know about Elle and Spencer. That's why it hurts. Because there is no chance of being together. They were together for months until she was fired. I know about all of the dating rules. I've looked for loopholes. I've tried everything." I wiped a tear and pushed my hair behind my ears.

"I'm just so tired of it all." I whispered. Rossi grabbed my hand and said "Andrà tutto bene." Which means it'll all work out in Italian.

"No it won't." I mumbled.

When we got to the station I went to the bathroom before helping put things away. Of course, JJ was there.

"Agent Prentiss. How was the ride?" She smiled. "It was fine." I said. "Oh. Is everything all right?" She asked.

"JJ, I really don't want to do this right now. Just go be with Will." I groaned. I turned around hoping she would leave but she didn't. "Emily what happened?" She stated, turning of my sink.

"Nothing, JJ, god. I'm just so tired." I leaned on the sink and she hugged me from behind. "Em, what's going on." She said softly. "You don't have to compartmentalize right now."

I looked at her through the glass and put on a smile. "It's just been a long case." I lied. I could see her study me, trying to find what was happening, but she gave up.

"Ok. I'll meet you outside."

I walked out and found her staring at Will. She didn't notice me stand by her until I said something.

"You should totally go kiss him." I said smiling. She tilted her head and asked what I meant. "Just like run over to him and kiss him." I got a text from Morgan and before I could look back up she was gone.

I watched her run over to Will and grab him by the collar.

She did it. She actually did it. What did I just do?

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