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"Hey." Emily said when I opened my front door. I didn't say anything and just hugged her. She pulled back and ran a finger over the bruise on my cheek.

"From when he slammed the door." I said. She nodded and led me inside. "Can we just watch a movie? Something cheesy as hell?" I asked. She laid on the couch and let me lay on top of her.

"Can we talk about what happened tomorrow? This isn't something you bottle up." She asked before kissing the top of my head.

"This can be bottled up. I don't want to talk about it. Not now and not tomorrow." I might have snapped a little bit because she kinda sat up a little.

"JJ it isn't healthy to push it down."


"Says you? How are you gonna tell me to not compartmentalize when you invented the word?" I stood up and started to separate us. "Emily I'm sorry but I don't want to hear it."

"Jay I'm trying to help. I'm sorry it's hypocritical but I'm trying to help. This is going to eat you alive." She tried walking closer but I moved back.

"Of course it's going to eat me alive! I came out to my boyfriend and he tried to kill me. You may want to talk about it but I don't and I'm not going to."

"Jen I am trying to help here."

"I don't give a fuck, you got me into this." I immediately covered my mouth and started crying. Fuck fuck fuck. I didn't mean it. I bent down and sat in a ball on the floor.

"I didn't mean it. I swear I didn't mean it. Fuck." I whispered. Emily got next to me and held me. "I promise I didn't mean it. I didn't. God." I cried.

"JJ I know. You're ok." She kissed my head looked me in the eyes. "I know." She pulled me into her and rubbed my back.

The next day was horrible. Barnes had decided to stay at the BAU. Which meant I couldn't be as close to Emily as I wanted. We even had to walk in separately.

I sat at my desk and looked out the window. She looked so perfect. The little smile when she took sips of her coffee. The nose scrunch when the paperwork was too much. And the way she would shake her hand after writing too much.

She got up and walked to get more coffee so I stopped looking. I started to look into new cases when I got a text.


I immediately put my file down and walked into the bathroom. It seemed empty except for one stall door that swung open.

It was Emily.

She pulled me into the stall and started to kiss my neck. We almost started to have fun before the door swung open. Our stall was closed so Emily covered her mouth.

"I know you're in here." Barnes said. Emily looked at me with wide eyes but I held up a finger.

I have a talent that many people don't know about. It's helped get me out of a few situations. I can cry on command.

I made my voice shaky and started to get tears to fall. "What do you mean?" I said, making it obvious I had been crying. Emily held back a laugh and walked to the door.

"Can I help you Barnes?" Emily asked opening the door.

"We were sent a confirmation that the two of you have had romantic relations while on this team. When you are done in here, I will meet you in Agent Hotchners office." She said and she walked out.

Emily froze.

We waited a minute before heading for the office. Hotch and Strauss were there, looking like something bad was going to happen.

"Here's what's about to happen. One of you is going to decide to leave the BAU. I don't care which one, doesn't matter. You will have until the end of the day to decide. You may stay with the FBI but not within this building." Barnes said.

"But that's only 2 hours. How are we supposed to decide that within 2 hours?" I asked. "Not my problem."

Hotch tried to say something but Emily stormed out. I watched her walk down the hall and onto the elevator. I left to follow her.

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