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Emily and I both looked at the phone and she turned away. "Hey." I said into the phone. "Hey Jenny. How's the case? Have you gotten to go outside?" He asked.

"Not yet. It's been pretty busy." I faked a yawn and we said goodnight. "Sorry." I said towards Emily. When she didn't say anything I turned over and fell asleep.

The next afternoon Garcia gave us a name and we caught unsub, thank god. One of the missing women had lost a sister and it just brought back all the feelings.

Hotch let us break for dinner and a good nights sleep before we left. I planned to go back, sleep and just be alone.

"Ms Pennsylvania, order Chinese to your room and have a chill night?" Derek asked. I looked between him and Spencer, then to Emily.

"I- Um. That um. It would. I-" I tried saying. I didn't know what to say. In all honesty I just wanted to go home. I didn't want to be around people.

Emily saw me struggling and stepped in. "She's trying to say that we would love that but it's been a long day. You know our order, just drop it off at the door and we'll see you on the plane."

I started to catch my breath and she grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze. All I could do was look at her hand.

There was a really hard case when Emily had just started. Three teenage girls had gone missing and when we found them, one was gone. I had told the parents and was watching them from outside.

Emily didn't say anything, she only stood by my side and grabbed my hand. She didn't say anything, she just squeezed my hand and it broke me.

That night when we got back to the room, she sat there and I told her about me in high school. I was just like those girls. That was the night I think I started falling for her. She sat and listened to me cry for hours before she held me as I slept.

"It can just be us tonight. Don't worry." She whispered. I could feel my eyes get glossy and I tried to blink it away. Emily heard me breathing and took me up to the room. She closed and locked the doors as I cried on the floor.

"JJ what's wrong? It's just us." She said. I held my face and she pulled my weight into her. "Jennifer, what's happening?" She asked again.

"It's my sister." I whispered. "When I was 11 she died and it... The case. I can't." I tried to say. "Robin Malloy has a sister too. That's what sparked this." She put together.

I nodded and she held my head closer. "Come here." She said as she played with my hair. After a minute I took a breath and stood up. "I'm sorry. Thank you for this."

I definitely surprised her, her arms followed me as I stood up and she looked confused. "Jen? We can talk about it. You don't have to keep these feelings down."

I bit my lip and tried to smile. "Em, I'm fine." She stood up besides me and sat me down on her bed. "Tell." Fuck.

I had a tendency to say I'm fine when I didn't know what else to say. Emily had caught on and always said tell when she knew I was lying.

"I didn't know you had a sister. What happened?" I turned away from her and took a breath. When I was 11 I found her in the bathtub. She had..." my voice trailed off.

"Oh." Emily whispered. "And I froze. I didn't move for a lifetime. My dad saw me at the doorway, he said I was like a statue. I don't remember anything specifically. I think I was at a hospital. Or maybe it was someone's house. I just remember my mom talking to me but my ears were ringing, like I knew I didn't want to hear it."

"Jen. I'm so sorry. That's why you wanted to be alone tonight?" I nodded. She leaned against the headboard and held my hand. "Thank you for telling me. I'm here if you need to talk."

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