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We talked with Penelope for hours. While I managed to avoid a majority of Roz questions, there were still a few. I have never really gotten the chance to go through what all happened. Sure, I was put with therapists, but no one that knew me before it.

After way too much drinking, Pen and I crashed in Emily's spare bedroom. We got an annoyingly loud call from Hotch waking us up. A case. I grabbed a skirt and blazer from my bag and left.

We were staying local but a hangover at work isn't fun. Morgan teased us, Reid explained the science of hangovers. Not the best morning I've experienced.

While I sat in my office Will called. "Hey Jareau. I need to apologize. I got jealous and shouldn't have said those things about Emily. I was mad and I should've cooled down before saying anything. Can I bring you lunch as a part of my apology?"

"Sure. I'll take a salad from wherever you want. See you soon Will." I hung up and went to work with the team. By the time lunch came, I was back in my office surrounded by files.

"Knock knock." He said at the door. I smiled and moved paper off my desk. "I really am sorry JJ. I don't know what happened to me." I stopped him before he could continue.

"You're good. I know you didn't mean any of it. Just don't say it about anyone again. Deal?" I asked. He nodded and passed my my salad. "What are ya working on?"

"There is a series of murders downtown that Hotch assigned us. I am waiting on the team to get back and brainstorm."

We ata for about an hour when I looked at him. He gave me a confused face and I nodded at the door. "Now?" He asked. "You never told me how much you missed me." I smiled, rolling my chair to the blinds. "How do I know you still love me?" I said locking the door.

He threw the food garbage away and sat in the rolling chair. I sat on his lap and let him do anything. He kissed my lips and slowly moved to my jaw. I unbuttoned my shirt and he moved to my collarbone.

"More." I groaned, unzipping my skirt in the back. I kicked off my shoes and started to grind my hips on his lap.

Emily's POV
"So essentially, we have nothing." I groaned in the car. "Not exactly. Once the lab gets back to us, we have all we need to make an arrest." Rossi assured me.

"So nothing we can do." I said. Rossi nodded and I got my phone out. "I'm gonna call JJ to let her know we're on our way back.

I heard the buzzing of my phone and turned it off. I just needed her right now. Him. I needed him. I needed Will right now. I opened my eyes and everything snapped back to reality.

I was imagining Emily.

"The team is coming back." I said, sitting up. I ran and got my phone.

We're heading back now.

"They're like five minutes away." I said. I threw on my skirt and top as Will pulled up his boxers and jeans. I fixed my office and hair before we started to walk out the door.

The elevator doors opened with the team. "Oh hey Will. Did you bring JJ lunch?" Spencer asked. "Well we had a lunch date that went really long." I laughed, thinking it had been an hour.

"Not really. It was only like 30 minutes." Will said. My mouth hung open and I looked at Emily. I think she laughed a little bit I think I imagined it.

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