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  Izuku took his seat near the back of the huge auditorium. Several of his classmates were sat around him, snickering to one another about the 'useless nerd trying to take the exam.'

  Fortunately, the lights dimmed soon after he'd sat down, and a familiar figure walked onstage.

  "HEY HEY HEYY!! HOW IS EVERYBODY HERE DOING? ARE YOU EXCITED? CAN I GET A   Y E A H H H?!!!" Present Mic shouted with his quirk, Voice.

  The hall remained silent. Izuku shouted yeah inside his head.

  "That's alright, you're all probably nervous huh? WELL! Why don't we get things started!!"

  The hero went on to explain the practical exam. The written exam had already taken place earlier in the week, which several of the examinees we're thankful for. Having the stress of both exams in one morning would be the worst.

  Once the explanation was over, Izuku sighed in relief internally. His pseudo supermove would be very useful during the exam. The hours on end he'd put into training it wouldn't be in vain.

  Izuku stepped off the bus, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a pack of his smoke burners. He lit the end of one and took a long pull, blowing the smoke out and moving it to orbit in a ring around him. One or two of the other teens raised an eyebrow, but most people were too busy psyching themselves up for the exam.

  He slipped the box and lighter back into his pocket, breathing out another stream of smoke. Each cigarette burned very slowly, but produced several cubic meters of smoke each. He'd only need the one for the exam.

  "START!" Present Mic's voice rang out.

  Without bothering to look at his competitors Izuku ran into the city, puffing large amounts of thick black smoke.

  "What are you waiting for?? There are no countdowns in real battles!!"

  Izuku turned a corner and came face to face with a two pointer. He ran forwards, his hands held out infront of him, gathering a fist sized clump of black smoke.

  Compress.. flatten...

  The small cloud got thinner and thinner until Izuku could only see a 2D circle of solid black suspended between his open palms. A bead of sweat rolled down the back of his neck as he sent it forwards at high speed.

  "Monomolecular blade!"

  The two pointer's head fell to the ground with a dull clang, and Izuku continued onwards.


  "Not a great batch this year.." Cementoss spoke.

  "It is a shame. Quite a few are getting very high scores, but their records are.. far from perfect. There's also been a lot of fighting amongst competitors over single robots." Nezu said.

  "Arrogance. They've been told all their lives that they're amazing, or the best. This is the result."

  "Is that kid smoking?"

  Aizawa's eyes opened in moderate surprise. Did he just hear that right? There was a kid smoking during the exam?

  "Ah, yes. Those are not actual cigarettes, they're specially made to contain no addictive substances and produce large volumes of thick smoke. Mr Midoriya's quirk is a rather weak smoke control, although judging from the state of the robots he leaves behind he's trained it far beyond what was originally thought possible." Nezu's voice observed.

  "I get the need for support equipment but.. cigarettes?" Midnight voiced again.

  "It's clever." Aizawa spoke up.

  "It's alive!" Mic exclaimed playfully.

  The dark haired man sighed, sitting up properly.

  "The first thing that came to your mind wasn't 'oh, he's using support equipment.' it was 'oh, he's smoking'. Any villain that sees that is going to make the same observation. He probably can't create smoke himself if he's using those, but you'd never know that without being told. What degree has he improved his quirk to?" Aizawa asked.

  "He went from controling fist sized amounts of smoke at five years old to his entire body's area at fourteen. His fine control is so perfect that he's creating monomolecular, or thereabouts, blades with impressively low effort. It was apparently believed previously that he'd only ever double the amount controlled. As you can see, that is certainly not the case." Nezu responded.

  "That's.. actually pretty impressive." Mic said.

  "Smart, strong, a hard worker.. I can tell we'll get along handsomely.. he is just adorable too!" Midnight cooed.

  Aizawa rolled his eyes.

  "So, we've got one golden child by our own standards, and 300 more of their own standards. Is he going to pass?" He asked.

  Nezu shrugged minutely.

  "It's difficult to say. His villain points, while not the lowest, aren't in the top 20. He is doing quite well with Rescue points though. Ah, I just assumed we were having a single heroics class again this year. I think it would be for the best that we let Aizawa purge them." He said.

  Vlad King nodded, while Aizawa just sighed, taking a full of coffee.

  "Fine by me." Vlad said.

  "I'll deal with the arrogant brats. Don't expect any first years by the end of orientation. I'll find an excuse."


  Izuku cut his 21st robot's head off, lowering his hands with a huff. That put him at a decent 43 points. Not as high as he would like, but a reasonable number nonetheless. There were still 3 minutes of the exam, plenty of time to find more robots and-

  There was an explosion in the next street over. The cacophony of noise caused by examinees demolishing robots ceased, and was replaced by a series of loud thuds and cries of shock.

  Izuku darted out into the main road, all thoughts of finding rogue robots gone as he stared up at the biggest robot he'd ever seen in his life. Not that he'd seen many robots in his life, but this one was skyscraper sized.

  Most of the other teenagers were either running for their lives or just standing stationary, staring in awe up at the huge robot about to crush them. Quite a few were stuck in place due to scrap metal or debris blocking their path. One boy was even pinned to the tarmac.

  Izuku sprang into action.

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