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  Izuku stumbled into homeroom, still a little tired from patrol the night before. It wasn't as eventful as a few nights ago, but he was still up until 2am running around on the rooftops.

  Mr Aizawa greeted him from his desk as Izuku slumped down at his own.

  "The coffee should kick in in a minute or two." The hero said, placing a mug on Izuku's desk.

  "My hero." Izuku said, tipping his head back and chugging the hot liquid.

  "Your end of term exams are coming up soon. You have two weeks to prepare for both the written and the physical. I'll be upping your training in class, and your sparring will be taken over by.. someone else. Depending on how that goes, your exam may be.. different."

  Izuku could hear the 'harder' covered up by 'different'. He was ready for the challenge.

  Once the coffee kicked in Izuku and Aizawa headed to gym A, which had been recently repaired. They did the usual morning exercises, then quirk training for a few hours before getting food from the canteen.

  "Put your costume on and head to practice facility 2." Aizawa said, standing from the table and throwing his jelly packet into the nearby bin.

  Izuku nodded, quickly finishing his katsudon and returning the bowl to Lunch Rush, praising his cooking once again.

  Once he had his costume on Izuku walked over to practice facility 2, a cigarette already burning in his mouth.

  Knowing Aizawa, whoever was inside would attack on sight. Izuku surrounded himself in a vortex of smoke and knocked on the door.

  "Come in!" A feminine voice chirped.

  Izuku opened the door and walked inside, looking around. Aizawa was in the corner in his sleeping bag, leaning against the wall with his eyes closed.

  There was a pretty girl with periwinkle blue hair standing in the middle of the large room, wearing a skintight blue bodysuit. Probably her hero costume. That's why he was told to wear his then. A prevalent decoration on her costume were spirals. Her hair, her wrist guards, the pattern on her bodysuit. Something to do with her quirk?

  Beside the girl was a taller boy hunched over, making himself seem small. He had a white cloak, the hood pulled up to cover his face. He seemed to be.. trembling? Beneath the cloak the boy had rows and rows of pouches. An excessive amount. Unless he needed them? Ammunition? He'd only need one big pocket. Edible quirk triggers. Like the hero Fatgum.

  Both hero students seemed of similar age to Izuku, but they had to be upperclassmen. Second years then?

  Izuku froze.

  His smoke had moved without his input. Something was rising out of the ground directly behind him. Upper half of a humanoid figure. They were holding their breath, so it was just their presence and movements moving the smoke around. Male. Similar build to Izuku. Wearing a hero costume with a cape.

  Some kind of go-through-objects quirk. Goes through clothes too, that's why they were all wearing costumes.

  The figure extended their fist, but met a wall between them and Izuku in the smoke.

  There was a bang, a loud "Ouch!", and the figure sank back into the ground.

  Izuku condensed the smoke around him into his costume's exhaust pipes. There wouldn't be a second attack.

  A muscular blonde boy popped out of the ground a few meters away, cradling his fist.

  "Wow! Miro didn't even touch him! Did you see? Tamaki, did you see that?" The girl exclaimed, shaking the cloaked boy.

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