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  Izuku sent the picture of his licence to his mother. He received several crying emojis in return.

  He left the building and walked back down to the bus, immediately getting tackle hugged by a giant blue blur.

  "Izuku, we did it! We sit it, we did it we did it!!" The bouncy periwinkle girl exclaimed.

  Mirio pulled Tamaki over into the group hug and the three older students started jumping around chanting 'we did it, we did it, we did it'.

  Eventually, they let the embarrassed greenette go. Aizawa ruffled his hair as he passed, giving him a small grin.

  Everyone piled onto the bus, chattering excitedly as they drove back to UA. Every single second year had gotten their licences this year, to their elation.

  Nejire rambled from her seat beside Izuku, about all the things she could do now that she could legally use her quirk to help others in public while he just listened on fondly.

  The bus quickly reached the UA main campus, letting all of the students, no, Heroes, pile off the bus.

  It may only be a provisional, but they were Heroes now.


  "Principal Nezu, thank you for meeting me on such short notice."

  "Not at all! How could I refuse such an interesting request? The Number One Hero wanting to teach at a school? Most would be surprised, but as I am one of the few in the know..."

  "My time is running short. I must search for a successor before One for All dies within me."

  "You wish to pass it on to one of the students. An excellent idea, UA is the perfect environment to train the fledgling Symbol of Peace. Did you have anyone in mind already?"

  "Not as of yet. I would be happy to start with your recommendation however."

  Nezu smiled, turning to his laptop and typing at a few keys.

  "The Third years are out of the equation. They're strong, but are months away from graduating. Not nearly enough time to train an entirely new power. There are one or two second years that would do well.. but one student in particular really stands out above the rest. Tell me, did you see the Sports Festival this year?"

  "Unfortunately not. I was busy with a bank robbery. By the time it had finished up, the festival was over. Who is it you have in mind?"

  "The first year, Izuku Midoriya. He's only been with us for a few months, but he has already surpassed the second years who see him as their equal, and possibly a few third years also."

  All Might leaned back in his chair thoughtfully.

  "Powerful quirk?" He asked.

  Nezu's smile widened as he tapped a few keys on his computer.

  "Actually Yagi, he had quite a weak quirk. The second year I wanted to recommend also had an exceptionally weak quirk. Mr Midoriya has Smoke Control, while Mr Togata has Permeation."

  "Weak how? Just from the descriptions they seem useful for hero work."

  Nezu turned the screen to face All Might. On it were two windows. One was of a small, green haired child with a fist sized ball of smoke hovering above his open palm. The smoke occasionally moved from hand to hand, but little else. The other was a small blonde boy phasing through the floor and popping back out again. This would happen sporadically every few seconds. He was obviously struggling.

  "Both boy's doctors believed that neither would gain much better control over either of their quirks. Mr Midoriya would possibly gain a bigger controllable area, but only perhaps twice as much as is onscreen now. Mr Togata was believed to never be able to fully control his unstable quirk." Nezu said.

  All Might hummed, watching the boys try to use their quirks on screen.

  "What level are they at now?" He asked.

  "They're both top of the second years, despite one being a first year and the other considered the worst in class in his own first year. Here, press the right arrow key."

  All Might did.

  A new pair of videos popped up on screen, the contents of which made All Might's eyebrows rise.

  The first was of the blonde boy, now a teenager, wearing a bright, colourful costume. He was facing off against several similarly costumed adults. All 20 went down in seconds. All Might barely kept up with the pseudo-teleportation.

  "POWERRR!!!" Togata shouted, striking a pose.

  The next video was even more impressive. It showed the green haired boy, now older and in a dark hero costume, surrounded by a vortex of smoke, hovering several meters in the air above Gang Orca and an army of his sidekicks.

  All Might watched in awe as the sidekicks were eliminated instantly, leaving the boy facing off against a top ten pro one on one.

  He was barely able to even call it a fight.

  The clip ended there.

  "Those videos were both from the licensing exam yesterday. Mr Togata took down several of Ryukyu's sidekicks alone and then distracted her until the more heavy-hitting trainee students could arrive. Mr Midoriya took down Gang Orca and all of his sidekicks single handedly. Almost instantaneously. After those events, those two teamed up with Miss Hadou and Mr Amajiki, and proceeded to take down Endeavour four on one."

  "They WHAT???" All Might spat blood.

  "The Big Three and a Half, Mr Midoriya, Togata, Amajiki and Miss Hadou's friend group, took down Endeavour, the number two hero, in under five minutes after taking down Gang Orca, Best Jeanist and assisting with Ryukyu's defeat. Endeavour was the hero assigned to Miss Hadou's area. It was a poor matchup, and she required a little aid from her friends, but paired up against any other member of the top ten, excluding yourself, I'm sure she would have fared better. Mr Togata too. And Mr Midoriya is the Half, in case you were wondering, because he's a first year."

  "What... What are they like? Personality wise. What are their goals?"

  "You'll have to ask them that yourself tomorrow. At the moment I'm pretty sure Mr Midoriya has finally worked up the courage to ask Miss Hadou on a date, and their friends are following them around town, using their new Provisional Licenses to excellent effect."

  "I'll be here tomorrow as Toshinori Yagi, a talent scout for All Might's agency. I'll watch the first and second year festivals tonight.." he said, still slightly shell shocked that Endeavour had been taken down by a quartet of teenagers.

  Nezu chucked as he watched the man leave his office, turning the monitor back to himself. Tomorrow would be an interesting day...

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