Year's End

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  Izuku awoke to a tiny figure clambering into his lap and snuggling into his chest. He opened his eyes and tilted his head down from where it had lolled back in sleep, staring into a pair of big red eyes.

  "Sorry Mr Izuku." Eri said quietly.

  The teen just smiled, patting the girl's head.

  "It's alright, thank you for waking me." He smiled. "And Izuku is fine, you don't need to use honorifics with me."

  The tiny girl nodded, letting her head flop back down onto Izuku's chest.

  They spent the next few minutes just sitting there, Izuku gently combing his fingers through Eri's shining silver hair.

  "Did you sleep well?" Izuku asked after another moment.

  The girl nodded. They spent another long while just sitting in silence.

  "Are you feeling okay? Do any of your cuts still hurt?"

  Eri shook her head, her horn butting against Izuku's collarbone.

  After another fifteen minutes, a nurse came into the room.

  "Ah, you're both awake. Do you think young Eri would be up for another little exam?"


  The rest of the week practically flew by. Izuku stayed with Eri in the hospital the entire time, occasionally visited by 'supervisor Yagi'. At one point, after Eri had decided that she was able to talk about what had happened to her, a detective with a truth quirk came and asked Eri a few questions. He also got a description of Chisaki from Izuku, and confirmed that he was the new leader of a Yakuza group, the Shie Hassaikai.

  Inko visited on her days off, immediately falling in love with the adorable little girl that clung to her son. In turn, Eri very quickly warmed up to Inko, possibly because of the obvious relation between her and Izuku.

  Mirio and Nejire were unable to visit, with Sir Nighteye being a tough taskmaster and Ryukyu operating on the other side of the country. Tamaki didn't visit, but only because he didn't want to bother Eri.

  The last day of Eri's stay in the Hospital had come. The little girl, now dressed in a cute little red dress, held Izuku's hand as they entered the reception of the hospital. Inko and Aizawa were waiting for them, the former beaming happily while the other just smirked. Izuku looked between the chipper adults warily.

  "What's got you so happy?" He asked his teacher suspiciously.

  "Eri's living situation has been figured out." The man replied.

  The little girl's grip tightened in Izuku's hand. Inko kneeled down.

  "If you want to sweetie, you can come and live with me and Izuku!" She said gently.

  Eri's eyes immediately lit up. Izuku stood a little straighter, staring at Aizawa in disbelief.

  "I-I get to live with you and Izuku..?" She asked, bright red eyes shining hopefully.

  Inko nodded, barely reacting in time when the small silver haired blur launched herself into the woman.

  "I-I want to stay with you!" She cried.

  Izuku just raised his eyebrows at his softie mentor. Aizawa rolled his eyes before gesturing to the adorable child.

  Point taken.


  Unfortunately, Izuku needed to return to school the very next day. His trio of friends badgered him about his new little sister, to which he showed them all the pictures Inko had taken whenever she visited them in the hospital.

  Of course, they all immediately fell in love with the sunshine child, vowing to protect her smile no matter what.

  Exams came and went, internship offers were extended to next year, and the Elite Four of UA graduated to their next respective years.

  Izuku was ecstatic when he was promoted from 'Half' to 'Whole'. Mirio actually organized a party with the rest of the new 3A, for which he was punched, hugged and thanked for. In that order. By Izuku.

  Eri Midoriya was going to start going to school when the new school year began, and was nervous but excited to start, although she'd miss seeing Inko all day, she couldn't wait to make friends!

  And so the UA entrance exams came again.

  The Elite Four were invited to spectate and help the teachers keep watch over the vast model cities. They of course couldn't award rescue points, but they helped keep track of who earned what points, did that immobilisation count, which robots were deactivated by the invisible girl, and so on.

  There was a minor problem in testing ground D, where a brown haired girl got trapped under some rubble in the path of the Zero pointer, but a boy with a speed quirk resolved it quickly.

  "Mr Midoriya." The principal said, turning away from the monitors.

  Aizawa cracked one eye open.

  "Yes sir?" Izuku asked.

  "As you no doubt know, we will have a new member of staff teaching heroics this year..." The mammal began.

  Aizawa's other eye opened.

  Wait. Oh god. Oh no. Please, don't, I don't want to, you can't make me, no!!!

  "As you are the only member in the second year hero course, and quite possibly the top heroics student cross-yeargroup, I was wondering if you would mind becoming a teaching assistant during those lessons with the first years. Your homeroom could also be-"

  Don't say it!

  "-merged with theirs, if that is not a problem. It seems we've got plenty of excellent students this year, unlike your own former classmates!"

  Aizawa sat up slowly.


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