A New Term Begins

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  Izuku walked down the hallway, Mirio on his left and Nejire on his right, her hand holding his own gently. Tamaki was on the other side of Mirio, trying to cower away from the other students in the hallways as they walked.

  "Man I can't wait to see who the new heroics teacher's gonna be!" Nejire said.

  "Probably a prominent pro, because of how hush hush they're keeping things!" Mirio theorised.

  "Maybe they just don't like attention..." Tamaki muttered.

  Mirio nodded.

  "Hmm, you could be right!" He agreed as they came upon classroom 3A.

  "You're still in the 1A room, right?" Nejire asked.

  Izuku nodded.

  "Yeah, just for conveniences sake. We never really did anything in homeroom anyway because, well.."

  "Just you!" Mirio said.

  "Yeah." Izuku sighed. "Just me. But he told me not to go today, although I'm not sure..."

  The greenette trailed off as he got a good look out the window to the field below. There was Aizawa, with a class of 20 standing nervously before him.

  "The quirk assessment test... I'd almost forgotten!" He muttered.

  Mirio clapped Izuku on the shoulder with a grin.

  "Well, we've got to go, you have fun with the little firsties!" He said, turning to 3A.

  Tamaki just smiled, following after Mirio.

  Nejire gave Izuku a quick peck on the lips before bouncing after the other third years. The greenette grinned, turning and walking back the way he'd come, pulling out a cigarette as he went.


  Aizawa stared down his latest class of wild children, cursing Nezu internally. There were the quiet ones, the happy ones, the stoic silent ones, the brash loud ones and one Bakugo Katsuki, nightmare incarnate.

  He would not be getting any sleep this year with that loud brat around.

  "Alright, that's enough." He said in his signature monotone voice.

  They didn't quiet down for a further 10 seconds. Ugh.

  "Today you'll be doing a quirk assessment test." He began.

  "But what about orientation?" The brunette, Uraraka, asked.

  "This is the hero course. You have three years to become proper pros, you have no time to waste on pointless ceremonies. Problem child, excellent timing, what was your furthest ball throw in middle school?" He asked, not even turning around.

  There was a sigh, and a muttered 'Damn' from around the corner of the building before Izuku stepped out, cigarette in the corner of his mouth.

  "Around 60 meters, Mr Aizawa." He responded, ignoring the growl of 'Deku..?'.

  Aizawa tossed Izuku the ball in his hand smirking slightly at him.

  "Throw it using your quirk. Anything goes so long as you don't leave the circle." The hero said, gesturing to the white circle painted onto the grass.

  Izuku nodded, holding the ball in his left hand and taking his cigarette from his lips with his right, extinguishing it with his quirk and putting the stub in his pocket.

  One of the students, the speedster with fast legs, tried reprimanding Izuku for smoking on school grounds with an extremely red face and chopping arms.

  Izuku released all of the smoke in his lungs, collecting and compressing every cubic centimeter into the palm of his right hand, all of the smoke he had condensing into a ball 1cm in diameter.

  The greenette held the ball Aizawa had handed him by the tips of his fingers on his right hand, lining up his arm so that the condensed smoke would launch the ball at the optimal angle when it exploded.

  Then, he let it go, to the exclamations of awe from the first years.

  Just as quickly as the smoke ball exploded, it dissipated, stored once again within Izuku's lungs. The greenette turned to his mentor, a single eyebrow raised in question.

  A good few seconds later the hero turned the tablet around, displaying Izuku's score.

  "30k, not bad problem child." He droned.

  Class 1A broke out into excited chattering, eager to wield their own quirks in a similar fashion. Unfortunately for them, Aizawa wasn't having it.

  "You think this is going to be fun? Alright then, how about this. Whoever comes last overall throughout these tests will be deemed to have no potential, and will be immediately expelled from the hero course." He said with a cruel smirk.

  "Welcome to UA." Izuku said, a similar smile on his face.

  Aizawa turned to Izuku.

  "Shouldn't you be with your band of misfits goofing off somewhere?" He asked.

  "They all had to go to the opening ceremony."

  "Ah. In that case I think Mr Yagi is going to need your help with his lesson plans. Seriously, that idiot is going to get someone killed before the week is out."

  Izuku hastily nodded, turning on his heel and walking quickly away.

  "Aye aye captain!" He called.

  The Yaoyorozu heiress raised her hand a moment later.

  "What is it Yaoyorozu?"

  "I believe I'm speaking for everyone here when I ask who was that?" She asked, prompting several nods amongst the others, although a scowl from Bakugo. Interesting.

  "That was Izuku Midoriya, the only second year member of the Heroics course. He was the only one in his class who showed even the slightest amount of potential, and so was the only one not expelled." He said, grinning at the look of dawning horror on Yaoyorozu's face.

  "He is also the unofficial leader of UA's Elite Four, the top hero students in the school, though that position is often contested by Togata. Among various other titles, Midoriya is All Might's personal apprentice, and the man closest to usurping the number one hero's position, even amongst pros. He, 1A, is your goal."

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2022 ⏰

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