Chapter 2: 4 Years Later!

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Sally (Age 4 Now): *Yawning and rubbing her eyes.*

Forrest: Looks like someone's tired haha.

Sally: Can go sleep now?

Willow: Yeah let's get you to sleep sweatheart. First day of kindergarten tomorrow!

Sally: Ok mommy. *She falls asleep.*

Forrest: *Takes Sally to her bed.* Some movie, huh? Who knew history could be so action packed?!

Willow: Yeah definitely! The Saiyans back then were way stronger than us now haha. Especially that Goku.

Forrest: For sure. Goku was something else. Crazy to think all of that was 700 years ago. Thankfully the Time Patrol hasn't had any problems as drastic as back then haha.

Willow: Heh you're right about that. What say we get some sleep, eh? Early day tomorrow!

Forrest: You got me there! I'm beat after hunting those crooks down all day. Let's get some shut eye!

[The Next Day...]

Willow: Well, here we Sally. West City Elementary! You ready to go?

Sally: U-um. I don't wanna go! *She begins to get nervous and cry.*

Forrest: Hey now, come on darling. Listen, we're gonna be together again later today okay? Tell you what, if you go today, we can watch a super hero movie later! *He wipes the tears from her eyes.*

Sally: R-really? O-ok yay! I can go!

Forrest: That's the spirit! Now go in there and be tough like daddy!

Sally: Yay! *She giggles and walks inside to spend the day.*

Willow: You're really good with our little one. It's sweet to watch honestly.

Forrest: Well don't discredit yourself! I only learned from watching you haha.

Willow: Haha, is that so? Well anyway, we'd best get to work.

Forrest: Yep.

*The pair head off to work at the Time Patrol*

[A few hours later]

*At The West City Patroller Station.*

Forrest: Well, anybody got a plan?

Poole: Welp, nothing's worked so far, my patience is disappearing, and I say we just split up. Four of them, four of us. I don't see why not. All of us chasing one at a time could take forever.

Willow: That's a good point. But, these guys are pretty tough, what if we can't handle them?

Tide: Just group call us, and whoever's free can come to you.

Forrest: Got it. Well everyone ready?

The Group: Yeah!

Tide: Alright team, break!

*Tide, Poole, and Forrest easily capture their targets, yet Willow seems to be struggling*

Target: Come on, girlie! Think you can beat me?!

Willow: (To self) Tch, I think I'll need back up with this one. *She attempts to call her team.*

Target: Nuh uh! We can't have any outsiders, now can we? *He pinpoints and blasts Willow's communicator.*

Willow: Huh?! N-no! Hmph, fine. Guess I'll just have to get serious. *She goes Super Saiyan.*

Target: Oh so you're one of them hair changing monkey people, eh? I've seen your kind. Brutal and relentless. But if you think I'm gonna just let you beat me, you've got another thing coming babe. *He begins to power up and grow larger.*

Willow: ?! Hmm ok, let's see what we can do.

*They begin battle, yet Willow begins to fall behind. Meanwhile, the other three meet up to contain their targets, and then fly towards Willow's energy.*

Willow: Ngh... You're tough, but I'm not done yet. Haaaaaaaaahhhhhh! *She begins charging and goes Super Saiyan 3. Not long after, she takes him down easily, as soon as the others arrive.* Hehe, look guys I did it! *Blood covers the top left side of her face as she gives a big smile*

Forrest: Woah hun, are you okay? Here take this senzu.

Willow: Hehe thanks.

Poole: Hey what happened girl?

Willow: Well... I had to go 3. But it was easy after that. But, he did break my communicator, which is why I couldn't call. Guess I'll have to get a new one haha.

Tide: Hahaha! Seems like we had quite the day! What say we go out later to celebrate Willow's big win?

Willow: R-really? Me?! Well I guess that could be fun hehe.

Forrest: Yeah it's been a while since we all just hung out. Sounds like a good idea!

*After they get cleaned up, they all go out for lunch and hang out until it's time to pick up their kids.*

[Leaving time at West City Elementary]

Forrest: Hey Sal, time to go! Did you have a good day?

Sally: Yeah it was really fun really! I wanna go back! We had yum food, and we drawed a lot and nap time. And we play outside too and watch cartoon. Did your day good?

Willow: Hehe, we've got to work on your grammar, Little One. But yep, me and Daddy had a good day.

Forrest: Guess what your Mom did today!

Sally: What!

Forrest: She beat a strong bad guy all by herself! And a lot of people saw her being an awesome super hero!

Sally: Woah really? Mommy's so cool!

Willow: Thanks darling haha *She says blushing.*

Sally: We can watch super hero movie now at home?

Forrest: Yep, and you get to choose!

Sally: Yay! Oh and I met friend today! He cool too hehe.

Willow: Really now?

Sally: Yep. And he a Saiyan just like us! I know 'cause he got tail like us and we play together a lot.

Willow: Well that sounds fun, sweetie. What's his name?

Sally: His name Pinich!

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