Chapter 4: First Steps of Adventure

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*It's been 3 years since the day Pinich vanished, and Yang heard that voice. Since then, there's been no sign of Pinich, and Yang hasn't heard it since, and she carried on living like normally. But Pinich... where is he really?*

Sally: Training is fun! I'm gonna be super strong, just like you guys!

Willow: That's right, kiddo! You'll be the strongest warrior in the world some day!

Forrest: And I can't wait!

*They suddenly hear a loud crash.*

Forrest: Huh? What the heck was that?

Willow: Let's go check it out.

*Sally notices messy, spiky hair and a tail.*

Sally: Uh mom? Is that-

Pinich: H-hey Sally. Ow.

Sally: PINICH!!! *She runs over and gives him a huge hug.* Where did you go?!

Forrest: The Kid?

Willow: And just like that, today's become MUCH more interesting.

Pinich: Well, when I saw this weird thing that day, I went to look for the Dragon Ball things. But when I found the first one, another one showed up so I tried to get it. But it was really high up and I was lost. So I just started training. Learning to climb and get strong so I could protect myself. But I'm back and I got 3 of them!

Sally: Woah!

Forrest: So that's what happened. Well I'm just glad to know you're ok.

Willow: Indeed, we were all very worried about you. Especially Sally.

Pinich: Yes, I'm sorry ma'am.

Forrest: Well now that you're back, what do you say? Do you wanna STAY with us again?

Pinich: Yes sir! Thank you!

Sally: Yay I'm so happy!

*And so Pinich stayed with them, and then they all carried on their normal lives, Pinich now going to school with Sally once again. And then summer break came!*

Pinich: Woo! Finally no more school!

Sally: Yeah you said it haha. So, what we gonna do this summer?

Pinich: I already got an idea! What if we- *he whispers his idea in Sally's ear.* But we gotta find the last one first!

Sally: Woah that sounds awesome! Yeah let's do it!

*They return home.*

Sally: Mom and Dad, can we go on adventure over the summer. Me and Pinich?

Forrest: Well first you guys gotta show us if your training's has been working.

Willow: Yep, can't have you two getting hurt!

Sally: Ok I'm ready!

*So all four of them begin training, Sally and Pinich now showing they can fly, shoot ki blasts, and even use Kaioken, even if only for a short while.*

[1 Hour Later]

Forrest: Alright! I think that's good enough. Well... you guys are ready to go!

Willow: But hey, remember to stay out of trouble. If you ever get in a bad situation, you know how to use Instant Transmission to get back here.

Sally: Yes ma'am.

Pinich: We'll be safe!

Forrest: You think you'll be gone for the whole two months?

Sally: Uh maybe.

Forrest: Well look, I want you two to have fun. Get stronger out there too! But don't make bad decisions ok! It'll be good for you guys. So get out there and get that Saiyan blood pumping!

Sally and Pinich: Yeah!

Willow: See you when you get back!

Sally: Bye bye!

*And so they set off. They find the last Dragon Ball and begin.*

Pinich: Here it is! So now what?

Sally: I dunno. Don't we have to say something important?

Pinich: I think so. But what is it?

Sally: Oh I remember! It was something like, "Rise great dragon! We summon you!"

*The sky blackens, and lightning starts to fall. A long figure explodes out of the Dragon Balls in a curving manner. Soonit became clear. This was the Eternal Dragon, his name is Shenron.*

Sally and Pinich: Woah!!

Shenron: State your wish!

Sally: U-um g-go ahead Pinich.

Pinich: R-r-right. U-uh hi M-mr. Dragon sir. Do you think you could make it so we can fight the strongest people from history?

Shenron: A very easy wish. *A bright light begins to form.* This is the Timespace Rift. I've created this pocket dimension so you may encounter the strongest warriors imaginable. You only need to step inside.

Pinich: Woah! If we go in there we can get crazy strong!

Sally: Yeah let's do it!

Shenron: I'll be leaving now. Once you two enter, this rift will close and you'll be stuck inside until you meet the requirements to leave. Farewell. *Shenron vanishes, and the Dragon Balls scatter.*

Sally: Woah. Should we really do it? What if we can't get back?

Pinich: Well... I guess so. But I might get to meet my parents if I go! That's my real reason. But even if I don't, I could still meet other people like us. I have to go.

Sally: Oh I understand. In that case I won't let you go by yourself!

*They both jump into the rift as it closes behind them.*

Sally: W-woah!! What is this place!

Pinich: Oh my gosh!

*They stare in awe at the vast pocket-dimension created by Shenron. The world is full of floating islands, way in the sky. It's seems to be an endless void aside from these land masses in the sky.*

Pinich: Hey look at that building! It looks kind of familiar.

Sally: I know that building! It's Capsule Corp.! Let's go there!

Pinich: I'll race you!

Sally: You're on!

*And so they flew to Capsule Corp. Pinich had won by a long shot.*

Pinich: Haha I knew I'd win!

Sally: Whatever! Let's just go in hmph.

*And so they head inside to meet none other than the famed Bulma Briefs.*

Sally: *Whispering to Pinich,* Hey I think that's the lady we learned about!

Pinich: *Whispering back to Sally,* Yeah I think you're right!

Bulma: Hi kids. Are you both here to start your adventure too?

Sally and Pinich: Yeah!

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