Chapter 15: Let The Timespace Tournament Begin!

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Trunks: Woah, that statue! It's surely the legendary champion, right? Looks jist like Mr. Satan!

Pan: Wow he looks awesome, haha!

Goku: Alright! Let's check out the arena, Sally!

Sally: Yeah!

*They fly to the arena and meet with a familiar, friendly face.*

Pinich: Hey, Sally! Looks like I win the race to the arena hehe.

Wanta and Paprika: Hi everyone.

Goku: Hey guys! How's it hanging?

Goten: There's still just you 3?

Pan: You HAVE found your other teammates, right?

Pinich: You bet! And you'll be blown away when you see them!

Sally: Hehe, we'll just have to see about that.

Goku: I can't wait!

Trunks: Oh yeah, Pinich. Are you able to go Super Saiyan yet?

Pinich: No, not even close. There's gotta be something I'm missing.

Trunks: Maybe, but for me and Goten it just kinda happened.

Goten: Yep.

Pinich: W-what?! What do you mean it just "kinda happened"?!

Trunks: You know. Going Super Saiyan.

Goten: Yep.


Sally: Nope.

Trunks: Check it out. Goten?

Goten: Yeah, let's do it!

*They both go Super Saiyan.*

Trunks: We've been trying to save this for when we really need it hehe.

Goten: That's right, haha.

Pinich: Aw man! But... I refuse to let you guys outshine me! Hey Sally, the sign-ups are over there. You'd better hurry.

Sally: Yeah. Come on guys. Be back in a bit, Pinich.

Announcer: Greetings, and welcome to the Timespace Tournament Arena! Are you guys here to participate?

Sally: Yep, we're Team Sal- actually, let's go with Team Saiyan. Yeah, we're Team Saiyan!

Announcer: Very well, Team Saiyan, you've got yourselves an official placing in the Timespace Tournament! It will start soon, so please prepare yourselves, and return here once you're ready.

Sally: Got it! Thank you! Alright guys, we've got a few hours before the tournament, so I suggest we use this time to rest so we'll be ready to fight. Besides, we've already done tons of training.

Trunks: You're the leader.

Goku: That works for me!

[2 hours later]

Sally: *Yaaawwwnnn* Aw man, that was a pretty good nap, hehe. Alright everybody, time to wake up! We've got 30 minutes until the tournament.

Goku: Huh? Oh, hey Sally. Is it time to eat yet?

Sally: ...YOU'RE HUNGRY?!

[30 minutes later, at the arena]

Goku: So it's finally time, huh?

Goten: Yeah, it's gonna be awesome!

Announcer: Round 1 is about to begin! Team Saiyan, please come to the announcer's booth!

Sally: Let's do this, team!

[In the ring]

Announcer: Sorry for the long wait, are you all ready to begin the tournament?

*The crowd creates an uproar so loud, the ground began to vibrate.*

Announcer: Without further ado, let me introduce our first 2 teams. First up, led by Sally, the young yet promising, Team Saiyan!

*Team Saiyan enters the ring, hyping up the crowd on the way.*

Announcer: And our other team, you may know them. The stylish, flashy, and led by the one and only-

Captain Ginyu: Captain Ginyu, of the Ginyu Force! *They all strike their team pose and the crowd goes wild.* It's been a while, Sally! And that means we can finally show you the new and improved, full power Ginyu Force!

Sally: You're on, Captain! We're not gonna lose!

Announcer: Round 1, begin!

*Both teams fought long and hard, neither willing to give up. Jeice and Burter fused, which only led Goten and Trunks to do the same. The young Saiyans decided taking out Ginyu first would be the best decision, and so they did. The other members began to fall apart without their captain, which quickly pushed Team Saiyan to victory. The Ginyu Force was defeated yet again.*

Captain Ginyu: You managed to beat us, fair and square, yet again.

Announcer: And we have our winners!

Goten: Yay! We made it through round 1!

Trunks: I wonder how Pinich will do.

Sally: He'll win, you can count on it.

Pinich: You bet we will!

Pan: Gah! What the?! Well, whatever. Looks like you're next up.

Goku: Good luck, Pinich!

Pinich: See you guys in the next round!

*Pinich begins his match, but his team quickly dispatches the opposition, and they advance to the next round.*

Sally: Over already, huh? I wonder who his other teammates are. Too bad he said not to watch any matches he had before our own. Guess the surprise will have to wait.

*The tournament continues, with many teams advancing, and falling left and right. Luckily, Sally and Pinich have been making good on their promise to each other and haven't once lost. They continue their streak until it's finally time for the finals: Sally vs Pinich. An old rivalry will finally be put to rest.*

Sally: Alright, Pinich. This is it. The final fight.

Pinich: Yeah, and I don't plan on losing. My team will wipe the floor with yours!

Sally: Heh, in your dreams pal. I'll let mu fists do the talking.

Pinich: Hehe right back at ya!

Sally: Right then. Well, let's go!

*Sally and Pinich both enter the ring, with their teammates flying in right after. And it's time for Pinich's secret to finally come to light.*

Sally: W-what?! T-they're your last 2 teammates?! Oh man, this'll be WAY tougher than expected, but I won't give up! We're here to win!

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