Chapter 17: The True Power of Fusion

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Sally: Alright, it's time! Trunks, Goten, Super Saiyan!

Trunks and Goten: Right! *They both power up to Super Saiyan.*

Sally: Here we come!

*Team Saiyan rushes in to attack Gogeta. They seem to be struggling greatly, until Sally comes up with a plan.*

Gogeta: Come on, I know you can do better than that! Don't let me down.

Goku: Hey I don't plan to give up so easy! I can keep going! *Just as he's about to rush in, Pan grabs him and stops him.*

Pan: Wait up, Grandpa. Sally's got an idea.

Sally: Yeah. Alright, listen up. Pan and Goku, you both flare up some smoke and dust to blind him. Then Trunks and Goten follow that up with blast attacks. Lastly, return to me so we can do the 5-way fusion.

Team Saiyan: Got it!

*They set the plan set in motion, as Goku and Pan begin to create a dust cloud.*

Gogeta: I'm not sure what you're going for here, but I hope you can make it count. In fact, I'll just stand and let you have at it for a bit.

Sally: He's just toying with us! But if that's the case, we can skip straight to fusion! Come on, everybody!

*They all gather and perform the 5-way fusion.*

Gogeta: It's that technique again, is it?

Mega Sally: Yep! But this time we've got the power of 2 Super Saiyans, and the Kaioken x20!

Gogeta: Well then, come at me!

Mega Sally: Just remember that you asked for it, haaa!

*The 2 begin to clash, and even shake the entire area around the arena. Their powers were surging like crazy as they went toe-to-toe. It seemed like they were evenly matched, but Gogeta's raw power soon prevailed over the young fusion.*

Gogeta: Well, time's almost up, so no more games. This attack will finish it!

Mega Sally: Dangit! Not much time left, and he's still winning. Guess I've gotta put everything into one last blast. Galick, Gun...

Gogeta: HAAAAAA!!!!!!

Mega Sally: FIRE!!!!!!!

*The 2 beams clashed and create a magnificent lightshow. They both expended all of their power, which resulted in a massive explosion. As the smoke cleared, Mega Sally had reverted back to Team Saiyan as they all seem to be worn out at Gogeta's feet.*

Gogeta: Well, that was quite the show. You kids were great, so don't beat yourselves up. It's only natural that you lost to me. Now here, eat these Senzu Beans. *He gives them each a Senzu Bean, and then unfuses.*

Sally: Aw man, I really wanted to win that one.

Trunks: Well, I never really expected to beat my dad.

Goten: Yeah, me too.

Pan: Grandpa and Vegeta sure are strong.

Kid Goku: ...I'm gonna do that someday?

Announcer: Well there was your final battle before the final battle, folks! And what a delight, right? Great warriors all around! But, as you may or may not have known, that battle effects the tournament in no way. So Team Saiyan will still be battling Team Pinich in the Finals! In 1 hour, the real final showdown will begin. Teams, prep yourselves, and viewers, get your snacks now, because this is something you won't want to miss!

*Teams Saiyan, Pinich, and Goku head back to the preparation area.*

Pinich: Aw come on, Sally. What happened??

Sally: Hehe, guess they were just too strong.

Goku: You really got into that, Vegeta!

Vegeta: We never planned to win though.

Goku: Yeah, but that fusion wasn't part of the plan either. But even so, that was great training for them, right?

Vegeta: Hmm

Frieza: Oh my...

Vegeta: W-what?!

Frieza: My, how far you've fallen, Vegeta. The proud Saiyan prince, reduced to a babysitter.

Frieza: Watch it, Frieza. I won't hesitate in blasting you off the map.

Goku: Come on, Frieza. What are you and Cell scheming? I swear, if you're making trouble again...

Pinich: Hey, Frieza, Cell! The fight's about to start!

Frieza: Hohoho, well I suppose this little chat will have to wait.

Cell: We've still got a bone to pick with you, so you'd better be ready after the tournament.

Vegeta: Tch, we'll just see about that. But anyway, Pinich, you'd better beat her!

Goku: What? No way, Sally's gonna win!

Vegeta: As if!

Goku: She will!

Sally: Hahaha, see you guys after the fight!

*The 2 teams enter the arena, and are ready for the true final battle.*

Pinich: Well, this is it. This is where we settle it.

Sally: Yeah, the match to end it all. We've grown a lot, and regardless of who wins, let's both give it our all, yeah? *She goes Kaioken x20.*

Pinich: Heh, couldn't have said it better myself. *He powers up to Super Saiyan.*

*They shake hands, not as friends, but as rivals, as their match to decide it all, will soon begin.*

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