Chapter 10: The Cell Games With A Twist

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*The team arrives at the Cell Games Arena, ready for battle. They notice Cell himself at the back, a massive menacing aura flowing around him, yet they still approach.*

Cell: So you're back, Goku? Took long enough. Let's waste no more time, who will I have the pleasure of killing first?

Goku: Not so fast, Cell!

Cell: W-what?! What now?!

Goku: Cells, come on out!

Fusion Sally: Huh?

Goten: Dad? What's going on?

Cell: Hehehe. I see you've realized, Goku. There's no surprise there. Hehehe.

*Tons of Perfect Cells begin to appear from seemingly nowhere.*

Fusion Sally: T-there's loads of them!

Trunks: What's going on?!

Cell: Hahaha! It's simple really, I just open timespace holse to summon other mes from different dimensions. Didn't I say I wanted to see that look of total despair on your face? Hahaha! Feel the despair, Goku!

Goku: Despair? No way! Let's show him the results of our training, Sally! I know you're here too, Vegeta. Help us beat some Cells, would you?

Vegeta: Since when do you give me orders, clown?! Pinich, you're fighting too!

*Goku and Vegeta both go Super Saiyan.*

Trunks: Dad!

Pinich: You can count on me, Master! Try to keep up, Sally!

Fusion Sally: Hehe you too! Now, let's fight!

*They all go towards battle, beams and blasts flying everywhere from every direction. Goku and Vegeta each take diwn about 10 Cells, and Pinich manages to defeat his opposing Celk. Team Sally each takes a Cell, but they seem to be slipping up.*

Goku (Kid): Man, we're not doing that good.

Oats: *Panting* Yeah, they're tough.

Trunks: Goten!

Goten: Right!

*They fuse into Gotenks, hoping for a swift win. However, the Cells ganged up on him and he defused earlier than normal.*

Goten: W-what?!

Fusion Sally: There's still one last thing we can try! Come on, team!

Trunks: Oh, right! Yeah, let's do it!

*They begin the process for Mega Fusion.*

Goku: Huh? What are they doing? Whatever it is, I've gotta keep the Cells distracted, HAAAAAAAA!!!! *He goes Super Saiyan 3.* Now, all of you, come at me!

*And so the Cells rush Goku, giving him almost no breathing room. Meanwhile Sally finished the Mega Fusion.*

Goku: Woah!

Vegeta: !!

Pinich: Huh?!

Cells: W-what?!

Mega Sally: I'll finish it, right here and now! *She charges up a Kamehameha, and when she released it, all the other Cells were destroyed, leaving only the primary one.*

Goku: Woah, that was totally awesome!

*Mega Sally defuses.*

Cell: Ngh, darn you, Goku! *He uses Instant Transmission to escape.*

Goku: Couldn't handle the pressure, huh? Hmm, I wonder whose energy he locked on to? Well anyway, *he powers down* just keep up your training, Sally. You'll get strong in no time!

Fusion Sally: Hehe, will do.

Vegeta: *He powers down.* Your training's over, Pinich. Become a Super Saiyan on your own.

Pinich: Yes!

Fusion Sally: Hey, Goku? Is that what the original Cell Games were like?

Goku: Oh, well not exactly. There was only 1 Cell, and he didn't escape. My son, Gohan, defeated him. But it was a hard fought battle for all of us.

Fusion Sally: Oh I see. At least we won this one too then, hehe.

Goku: You got that right. But I think it's time we leave now. Hey, Vegeta, let's get outta here. I sure hope he's still sleeping. If he isn't, you'll apologize with me! 'Kay?

Vegeta: Yeah right! This was YOUR idea! I only went along with it because you said there's be interesting people!

Goku: Heh, if you say so. I could tell you loved all of it. Especially being called, "Master" the whole time haha.

Vegeta: W-what?! H-how did you know that?! I...I was just living in the moment is all.

Goku: Hehe yeah yeah, anyway, let's go! See ya guys! *They fly off.*

Pinich: They're gone, but we've still lots to learn, huh Sally.

Fusion Sally: You got that right. And we can't give up, ever!

Pinich: And Goku was super strong! Not strong as Master, but still awesome!

Fusion Sally: Goku was stronger.

Goten: Hehe yeah, my dad never stops training. Anywhere and anything, it's always training.

Pinich: He keeps training, even though he's already that strong? We can't fall behind, Sally!

Fusion Sally: Yeah, of course!

Pinich: You're all pretty tough too though. I'll need a team of my own eventually.

Trunks: You don't have anyone yet?!

Pinich: Well, I've just been busy training... haha. But don't worry! I'll get the best team ever, just wait! And now, I'm off! See ya! *He flies away.*

Goku (Kid): Well, should we go to the next area?

Fusion Sally: Yeah! And good work team! Now, let's get going! *They, fly off to their next destination.*

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