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"Camilo! You idiot why did you left Mila in the market!" I slapped his head and started to panic.

"What?! I thought she was following me!"

"You dumb idiot! There's a lot of people there! She'll get lost easily since she's small!"


"Mila!!" You panicked, "damn you, you could've held her hand at least!!"

"I'm sorry!—wait shit Call Dolores!"

"Hm! You called?"

"Where's Mila?!" You held her shoulders shaking her.

"She's playing with Antonio and Ivan in the river!"



"Camilo. You're done for..."


"Nah... I got a kid to take care"


"Baby! Are you okay?!" You said cupping your childs cheek.

"Yeah! I had fun!"

"I see.. Please just stay beside your father next time! You got me worried"

"I'm sorry mama! I will.."

You smiled and glared at Camilo, he gulped and fidgeted his hands.

"Well, go on and play with Ivan and your Tío Antonio, I'll have a little chat with your dad hmm??"


"No dont leave me here!"


After tortu—ykyk

"Now now Cami, next time dont ever leave her alone again!"

"Right ma'am!" He sweatdropped.


Camilo's pov...

"Dad...?" Ivan said with teary eyes. I looked at him worriedly and patted his head.

"What happened?"

"Am I useless..?" He said looking down.

"What makes you say that?!"

"A boy said it to me last week... I can't help but think about it all the time! Is my gift not helping at all?.. After all my gift is creepy dad! They all look at me with disgust when I'm around.. I mean who wouldn't be scared of mind reading..?" He cried.

I cant help buy feel bad for my son, he kept everything on himself for a week without telling anyone, I ruffled his hair and hugged him close.

"Listen here kid, You're special remember that, your gift is awesome you know? It's not creepy at all! Don't think of what others think about you okay? They're nothing to you. We are the Madrigals aren't we? We serve to help the community, you've done a lot in this town such as comforting them when the people got in trouble, you help them feel happy and all, also you easily find out who lies eh? You're cool Ivan Madrigal!"

He cried and hugged me tight, I ruffled his curly hair and kissed his cheek, "thank you dad... You're the best!"

"You're dad's right amor... You shouldn't listen to what others think.." My wife said as she knelt down beside me.

"I will! Thank you both... I'll make you two proud!"

"We already are proud of you!" She hugged us both.

"Eh.. Can I join?" Mila said pouting.

We laughed and pulled her in the hug.


-452 words

Bye >:D .

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