Disaster on the first day

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A long time ago, in Neverland where nothing ever changes, two children were born. Two very special twin children, immortal children. Their names were Peter and Farrah. On a day unlike any day, a storm came onto Neverland, back then the time and weather did change at least a little bit.

A ship came for our parents. Dark figures came ashore. Kidnapped our parents and went to try to kill them. They were gonna kill them, but they took them away instead. Left the two babies alone. A bunch of boys were taken off the ship, and set down. Our parents got kidnapped. One of the ones that kidnapped our parents took me too. Except the first ship sailed off, one somehow flew and away with me on it.

While our parents sailed away, I was sailing away somewhere far, far away. To Earth, where I was turned mortal. The boys that were left on Neverland grew up until they were at least 12. Peter was 16. Lots of people think he's like only 13, but he looks older than that, even though they're not supposed to grow up at all, about the same age Jack Frost, who is always portrayed a lot like Peter Pan, who (Jack) is about 16.

Back on Earth until then. I was left on the doorstep of a foster home, just like kind of in Annie. It was brand new. Aside from the head person, I had been the only one. It was a run down little place, looked more like a prison. Since I had been taken as a baby, I had no memories of my brother, or his new lost boys, that I never met, or of my parents.

I grew up. A little bit. We got new girls every once in a while. As I got older, so did Peter and his lost boys. While they were on Neverland having the time of their life, here on Earth, I was no longer Farrah, I was Freya now. That was my Earth name. The only friend I had was named Jade. Our foster parent didn't take care of us, she wanted nothing to do with us. Her name was Britney.

If someone got yelled at or was gonna get punished, I took the blame to protect everyone. No one cared, it was every man for them self. We only cared about surviving. I dreamt sometimes of a better life a better world with a family that loved me. Sometimes it was the day I was kidnapped. The one thing I ever had of my parents, what myself and Peter both had were special necklaces.

They had our names on the back. I kept mine on. All the time. Every time Britney tried to hurt me and abused me, when I got in trouble all the time, I ended up on the floor a lot. I would get black eyes, or cut lips, or anything in between, but somehow, the necklace stayed safe.

Even if I heard the cracks of glass, I'd look at my necklace to check it, but it was fine. One time it broke, but in the next few mins it was fixed as if by magic. Wanna know a secret, what I didn't know was that, the dark figure wrote a note saying where I came from who I was. No wonder she was so horrible to me, she's afraid of me and of my power, I had powers, I could cast spells if I could, if I had known.

Just like in Harry Potter. Someday I'll be reunited with my brother, until then at night, all the girls would come to my room and I'd tell them stories of an immortal boy and Neverland and his lost boys. Everyone loved them. Loved my stories and the characters. Someday a life like that, someday I'll be out of here, someday, I'll have a family to call my own, to have someone love me for me. Until then hello misery, and protecting those that don't care about me unless they're hearing Peter Pan stories.

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