Rescue her

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She was kidnapped by pirates? This is not good! This is the same way Farrah got taken away! This is all my fault, I should've gone with her. I already lost my family, I'm not gonna lose Freya too. Come on guys let's go get her back. They came to come get me, but different things were happening on the ship then what anyone could guess. After they realized it wasn't Peter they captured, I was still made bait for him to come get me, but they weren't going to hurt me.

Hey, you're Captain Hook. Ay so you've heard of me. Yeah I love Peter Pan stories. It's funny though you look like a real person. Opposed to? To your usual cartoon looking version, but Peter looks like his usual form. Yes that is interesting. You know what else? What? You're the villain in the stories. You're different from him.

Different how? You're first name isn't James, you're not so bad, you don't seem like a villain, and you're actually very handsome. Why thank you love. I do have dashing good looks don't I? I'm not even afraid. Why is that? Well for one you're not going hurt me, and I'm sure Peter is on his way right now. Is that right?

Yep! I know the story, about Farrah, how she was kidnapped and brought to Earth transforming into a mortal and sent to a foster home with a different name. Peter's twin sister. How do you know about this? Well I constantly dream about it all the time. Anyone else? Yes, Mary Margret and her husband David, they live around the corner from the foster home I'm from, and I'm sure Peter probably does too. Oh he does, goes on and on about the girl and the dream.

Say, I've been talking to you for a few minutes now, and I haven't yet asked for your name. Oh my name is Freya. Nice to meet you. Would you like a drink? Oh no thank you I don't drink. Good girl, as you shouldn't. Now that pirate you spoke of, if I remember correctly my father was the one that sent her away to Earth, and said that Snow and Charming died, but I think that they really sent to a place a lot worse then death, to become mortals on Earth, in a world without magic.

I can't remember either of their human names that they go by now, but I remember that Charming became a Dr. and his wife works with him. Can I have a look at your necklace. Which one I have several? Any of them will do. I know that Peter has a bunch of these necklaces they were safe keeping of him and his sister. Bloody Hell! What's wrong?

Nothing, this just looks familiar to me. Sheila where is your shadow? She's with everyone else why? No, no see that should only be possible if you were born here and that would make you Farrah, the long lost sister of Peter. But you're from Earth so that's not possible. Well I don't know where I'm from or where I was born, so it could be possible.

Either way, I'm sure Peter will be here any minute now to rescue you. I wasn't listening, I was thinking about what he just said. Then Peter came to get me, and they had a quick battle, and I was free to go. When we got back, Peter wouldn't stop freaking out. Are you ok? Are you hurt? I'm so sorry I should've gone with you. Peter, Peter darling, its ok, I'm ok, I'm fine.

I'm sorry, it's just you know I've already lost my parents and my sister, I'm not gonna lose you too. IDK why but you mean a lot to me, something about you reminds me of my sister. And IDK what I would do if something bad happened to you. I'm sorry you were worried, but he didn't hurt me, he was actually very nice. Well I'm glad you're not hurt.

What are you thinking about? Huh? You're so out of it. I was thinking about what Hook said to me. Well whatever he said to you, tell me first and then ignore it. He said....

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