Happy birthday, it's time to leave.... For now

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It was our birthday, it was the first and probably last. I really wanted to stay, because this is my home, this my birth place, the place I'm meant to be. But if I didn't come home who knows what would happen to the other girls at the foster home?!

I always took the pain, the abuse, the hit for all the other girls. As much as the home was more of an every girl for themselves, they still loved my stories, and were younger than me, they didn't deserve this. No one did. I couldn't let any of the girls suffer, I had to go home,, Jade and I had to go home, even if we didn't want to leave.

It was our 16th birthday I'm immortal now, I'd stop aging, never grow up, be young forever. I would be in more pain and more trouble when we get back home because not only am I the oldest, but on my birthday that's just something that Britney does.

The only good part about this is that I now have new Peter Pan, and Farrah stories for Freya and Jade to tell the girls, and my secret. But for now, we had a party to celebrate. In the morning we all got up, and Jade and I started making breakfast.

Good morning boys. I called. Farr's Peter said.... It's your birthday, you shouldn't be doing all the work, let us do that. But Peter it's your birthday too. I never do work. Yeah, well work is all I do. Even if I don't want to, I'd rather do work then get hit, or abused.

If we even think about disobeying it's worse every time. I also don't want the other girls getting hurt. Well, then we need to fix that! We'll have a super duper fun filled adventure. First thing's first, let's ditch the fruit and go find something sweet and sugary to eat.

Like what? Like what?! Haven't you ever had sugar or sweets before in your life?! Britney doesn't let us have anything like that. And we have no money for food, so I work a job to get money for the girls to have meals and things and in return the Drs. who end up being our parents stitch us up and take care of when we sneak away for appointments for check up and things.

Everything went perfectly fine. We started off taking mud baths. As in we got in the mud and started rolling around like little pigs. Which started a mud fling fight. We went on a treasure hunt. Which when we all split up Jade and I found together before any of the boys.

We ate sweet sugary substances all day. And then somehow at the party we were able to have cake and ice cream. When the party started dying down. I looked at my notepad, and looked over my notes. What's that? Peter asked. Um.... You can tell me.

It's my school assignment for family day. I now know where I come from and who my family is and has been the best day of my life, same as Jade's but no one will ever believe us without proof. Except maybe the other girls in the foster home.

Peter, I'm sorry, I'm glad to be home, and I really, really want to stay, I love you and the guys, and glad that I got to meet Hook, he was so nice. And I had so much fun with the boys and the fairies and the mermaids and just everybody, Same as Jade, and it was so cool to find out that I have a twin and to get away from the pain for a little, but I can't stay.

The other girls need me, and to tell them more of our stories and I can tell them all about what really happened and who I really am, but in order to spread our legend I need to go home. I'll miss you so much. I said hugging him. I love you Peter. I love you too sis. Come on Jade. Farrah do you have your shadow? Farrah? "Yes" I'm here.

Peter is brother with you? "Yes" I'm here. Goodbye. Goodbye. We'll meet again. I promise. I hope so, I love everyone here and this place, it's my home, but I am needed on Earth for now. I understand. Have a safe travel. Good luck in the foster home and be good strong later for those girls, they respect you they look up to you, they're your lost boys.

Jade and I took off giving hugs to everyone. I hugged Peter, he kissed my forehead. See ya soon. Never say goodbye because saying goodbye is like forgetting and forgetting is like growing up, and I promise that I will never ever grow up. And I can't because I'll always be 16. Forever.  

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