Last stop London

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As we sailed away to London, even though Peter was smiling as he sailed Hook's ship away into the night sky, a part of me knew it wasn't genuine. But with my special camera in hand, and my music on my mind, not another thought crossed my mind. We dropped everyone off at the house, but the lost boys decided they weren't ready to grow up yet and leave Peter.

When the parents got home, they found Wendy asleep on the window seat with the window wide open. She woke up, and told her parents she was ready to grow up now, and how wonderful of a time she and her brother had, had on Neverland. With Peter Tink and I.

She told her mother about all the wonderful adventures they'd had. And as the ship started flying away, we called back.... Both: Goodbye Wendy! And she called after us.... I'll never forget you Peter and Farrah Pan. And she never did, not that we gave her much of a chance to forget us. Hold on we'll get there.

But first.... When we were on our way back to Neverland.... Peter? Hm? Do you need to go home too? Not yet, that's not what I was gonna say. But, as far as leaving and staying goes, whatever an equivalent amount of a week is Neverland time, I think the choir singing thing is far enough away, that I'll still be there on time.

Sounds great. Now what was you were gonna tell me? Nothing it's not important don't worry about it. I smiled sleepily, clinging to his arm. He smiled, leaning down to kiss the top of my head. I love you too. He whispered. I've taught you well. You sure have.

When we got home.... Wow, that's a strange word to say, it was sunny there. The HQ was a mess. So, we both would be working on it later. Well, IDK about you, but I'm exhausted. He said turning to me, who had fallen asleep standing up. You have beat me to it. He picked me up, and put me down onto the soft grass, for the moment, and rummaged through all of the stuff destroyed via Hook's bomb, and shifted through until he found his hemic.

He began tying it to a tree, and laid me down in it. Then reached for my necklace and blew at it, and another one appeared. As he made himself comfortable and plopped himself down into it too. And closed his eyes. All the lost boys were away celebrating with the Indians. Peter wasn't exactly in a partying mood at the moment.

He wouldn't had ever admitted to it, but he had fallen for her, and was sad to see her have to go. And he knew I'd be leaving soon. And Tink and I didn't like him like this one bit. When I got up, it was sometime in the afternoon I think, its kind of hard to tell around here.

I got up, and swung my legs off the makeshift bed, and turned to see Peter asleep, asleep with a frown on his face. I frowned, then thought of an idea. I stood up, picked up my pendant, and closed my eyes and blew at it. The sec I did, everything started rebuilding around us, and we were in a new hidden location, and the HQ was bigger and badder than ever.

Tink flew down the tree hole, and looked around in awe. As she transformed into her human form. I love what you did to the place. Sh. I whispered. Peter was tossing and turning and groaned out while he slept. What's wrong with him? He fell in love with Wendy and already misses her, and he knows I can't stay here forever, at least not yet.

Well, we can't have him like this now can we? No I said shaking my head. What do you think we should do? We? Yes we, I'm his sister. I'm just kidding Farrah. But there is one thing put's a smile on Peter's face, and as Peter's long life best friend hence far, I know what and where to make him smile and laugh again. To make either of you do both of those things. Like brother like sister after all.

I'm not following. I said shaking my head. Leave it to me then, she said rolling her eyes, and shrinking back down to fairy size. She flew to his ear, and had him wake up. She looked at him sadly. What's the matter Tink? He asked rubbing his eyes of sleep. Peter, Tink and I are worried about you, you seem sad.

Please let us cheer you up. What reason do I have to be sad? He questioned. Peter, don't play this game with me. You made new friends and you're upset to see them go. And you know I can't stay here forever. Not yet. This isn't going to be goodbye, at least not for a long time this time, and soon I will live here, and this won't be the last time you see Wendy either.

It's not? But until then, Tink and I want to keep that smile on your face. And how do you suppose you're gonna do that? Tink whispered something in his ear. No, no, no he quickly announced. Tink frowned, there was no reason for either of us to be upset just because he was. *sigh* ok, alright. But just this once.

Smiles illuminated onto mine and Tink's faces. But if I'm letting you do this, your necklace can NOT be involved, that would be too easy. I promise. Ok then, go ahead.... But as soon as either of us reached out for him he laughed flying away. Hey? I called. Did you really think I'd let it be that easy. You'll have to catch me first.

Challenge accepted. As we chased after him, Tink came to whisper something in my ear. He does? How do you know? What would make you say that? Well, of course he wouldn't, but I see your point. That's actually pretty helpful advice. From the best friend to the twin sister.

The other part of the convo. You know, he actually does like being tickled, its strange really, at least on his own terms. Of course I know, you don't think I know my best friend, besides if he didn't do you think he'd tease us into trying to. But of course he's not gonna admit it though. From one Peter secret to another. From his best friend to his sister.... Who I'm sure probably feels the same way toward the subject at hand.

I lost all color in my face, and then shook my head. IDK what you're talking about, just because you know Peter doesn't mean you know me. Doesn't it? She asked with a smirk on her lips and in her voice. Ok, maybe just a little but only on my own terms. You might as well be the same person. She teased rolling her eyes. But from what I know or have learned is his most are his feet, which sorta makes sense considering he rarely if ever lands, and from word of mouth from the grapevine whether from Peter himself, Jade or his shadow or yours, your are your sides, ribs and stomach, just kind of that area in that one place.

I'm going to kill Jade. She's the only one that knows that. I giggled. Like brother like sister. She told me again. By this point, we'd been talking so long we'd lost sight of Peter. *Ug* we talked so long we lost him. Then I felt Freya pull away from me. Freya come back. Brother had peeled off too, they were together.

*Ug* Snowflake. I whined. But they didn't appear. Snowflake. I said again. That's the activation word for my wings, why aren't they appearing. I've been able to fly with them without Freya before, why not now. Freya come back! Nothing's working. Uh oh.... I'm gonna fall. Don't think like that Farrah, you only need to think happy thoughts Tink reminded me. But I was too scared to think about anything except falling.

I screamed as I started falling. I felt someone grab a hold of me, and catch me. Sounds like you need a new happy thought. I heard the coy smirky happy voice remind me. Don't you dare! I laughed, flying out of his arms. Where have you been? I giggled. Hiding I wasn't gonna let you and Tink tickle me that easily. If we're gonna fly, don't fly so high. I can't right now anyways, Shadow is gone.

I can barely fly at all. Then I guess we're at an equal advantage and disadvantage without our shadows, and your close enough for me to reach. I was somehow able to grab him and make us land so that I could pin him and tickle him at free will, this went on for a few mins, until Tink showed back up. She was able to use her own magic to easily pull his shoes off, and use her tiny fingers to scribble all over his feet with them. Tink don't he laughed, as his eyes filled with tears of mirth.

But he didn't dare kick out to avoid hurting either one of us, that was the last thing he wanted. Ok, ok you guys win. Thanks I guess I needed that. Thanks for cheering me up, I'm sorry I made you two worry about me. I don't like doing that. Come 'ere. No, I squealed pulling away.

What's the matter? He questioned. No, you're gonna tickle me back. No, I'm not, revenge is stupid. It's also childish, and you do everything that way. Funny, it almost sounds like you're teasing me to make me tickle you. But gee like brother like sister I guess. Peter don't. I giggled flying out of reach.

I haven't touched you yet, he laughed. He chased me around, and Tink grew in size shaking her head at us watching us fly around. By the time it got late again, we were exhausted. BTW, I didn't get to tell you how much I love the new hideout. Thank you. I'd do anything for you. Let's make this week the best one yet.

We agreed to doing that, and by the end of the week, I went home. Jade was asleep. I had my camera and notebook with me. I came in through the open window, and as soon as I stepped down, a light slept Jade woke up by the first sound she heard. Farrah, you're back! She said with glee. Sh. I whispered.

Tell me all about it! In the morning Jade, I'm exhausted. We have one week before the performance. Are you ready? Yes ma'am. I giggled. Is this it? Yep. You actually did your assignment. I'm so proud of you. Now you just need the pictures to go with it. With the special camera, even if I didn't take the pictures myself if it saw something I would need to help me, it took it.

I'd have to take tomorrow to go through them. I'd even found some pictures, magic pictures and video clips from something. It was labeled old memories. I turned it on, and a magic barrier surrounded me. It was video footage of when Hook's dad kidnapped me and my parents and bringing me to the foster home.

How did this footage get here? I can use this. Suddenly I couldn't wait for the choir thing. I sent a magic note the day of the choir thing for later that evening to Peter, and to Wendy, and IDK where right now Hook was, but I knew my family wouldn't miss it for the world, and Regina was the principle now, so she'd be there too anyways, but I sent another one out to Hook himself anyways.

Later that evening. I was dressed (outfit 3) and ready to preform. Are you ready? Jade asked me. Jade goodness girl, you scared me. Sorry. But yeah I'm ready. And I've got a plan up my sleeve to prove that once and for all that me and my family are real and that there is such as a thing as magic they're all gonna have to believe me after tonight.

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