Will I ever see you again?

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Since then, things have been better, he stays until morning, the nightmares have stopped for a while now, but I never want him to leave me. Things continue to get better here, under Britney's watch. I work with my family, I go to school. Everyone believes me about my magic. Regina did a spell that made it so that the principal never sent me away. It was as if none of what happened, happened. And since it never happened, I was able to go back to school, for family heritage day."Again." As if that day never happened. I've seen Peter in about a week now, and when I had seen him since then, he and Jade would "wake me up" and sometimes, I'd use a spell so that no one could hear us, and wake them up, and we sit and talk and hang out, and even fly off to Neverland during the night, and come back as if we never even left. Everything was like a dream come true, but he has to stay on Neverland, he can't afford to stay here long enough, he'll age, and that won't be good.

It's my turn again to share my family heritage, this time my teacher/mother knows who I am and where I got the necklace. No one accused me of lying or telling tall tales. Nothing bad happened to me and Jade now, or any of us. Not at school, or at home. And our old principal "retired" and now Regina runs the school. She takes care of and watches over me and the rest of the students.

No one dares to try and act up to go to the principal's office, not that anyone knows she's the E.Q. and also has magic powers, but again she was nicer now then she ever once was, back when she wanted to kill my mother to get her heart and blah, blah, blah. You all know the story of my mother, my father and her 7 little men, that's all old news. This is my story. And soon all of those that believed in Peter Pan and that told stories about him told my legacy too, and my belief around the world grew as well.

Those youthful stories about Peter and Farrah Pan, ones that were actually surprisingly true even if no one knew all the real details, and some that were made up. But we thought were fascinating. Peter would come and tell me about them, or when we'd fly around and go on our way to Neverland we'd stop to and from to hear children tell our stories. I've even gotten Hook and Peter to become better friends, and not just because of the contract.

When I do see Hook I tell him how everyone's doing and how much Emma loves and misses him. And like the childish child my brother is and will always be, he thinks that love is gross, but really that's just pot calling the kettle black, in some ways, because in a different kind of way he loves me, and we say so to each other all the time. And he loves his family, and even if he'll never admit he loves his lost boys.

No one would know what to do without the other. And when we can't see each other, it's now been a month since then, since the last time I saw him, but he still keep in touch, with magic letters. Letters we write to each other that the wind takes and carries for us, or our magic, or spells I've learned for mail teleportation. And they turn themselves into butterflies, but we say they're fairies.

And with each person that believes in us, and in fairies the stronger everyone grows. We thrive on magic and belief, kind of like the guardians. And even if I don't see him, I know he's come back sometimes to visit me because some mornings I find myself back in my bed, and Freya who was Farrah and now is Freya now because I'm Farrah again still breaks off every once in a while and talks with me and sometimes Brother still escapes and pops in to say hello.

Life goes on, but I always miss him when he's not around. The stories I hear about, or see him write about the most, is when he's in England a family of true believers, of a girl and her two younger siblings, and a furry human which I'd explained to him many times is a dog, about the stories the girl tells, and how the children's parents seem familiar to him. But the mother always now thought him as the perfect definition of youth and children's dreams, and of childhood that she's the very person herself who taught the some of the stories to her daughter.

But her husband, who once believed in Peter Pan himself now thinks nothing of it, and was the Hook side of the Peter Pan stories, just couldn't wait for the children to grow up, he's a very practical man, likes things that are realistic. He says he's seen the boys act out some of the well told and known stories, stays hidden away to listen and watch, but doesn't want anyone to know he's been there. That if he's going anywhere for more than a few mins it will be his second home, here with me in AKA "Storybook" Main. With all the other hidden fairytale characters. Those who haven't seen OUAT, will be very lost and you should watch it it's awesome.

But there's nothing I can really do now for the longest while except hope he'd come back, and visit and we can talk and hang out and catch up face to face, instead of writing to each other. Always wondering.... Will I ever see you again Peter Pan? You, Hook or your lost boys, or Brother or Tink or any of her friends, esc. Freya hasn't popped off recently, and for the last little while I've woken up still in my window seat spot with the window wide open, wondering when he'll come back and visit. But I know that he can't visit too much. Even though it doesn't make any sense since magically I myself live here on Earth and I will stop aging since our 16th birthday. So many questions, and no one ever around to give me answers. I'm glad at least some of my family questions have been answered though. And that's one thing I wouldn't give up for the world.

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